NCAD Virtual Experience Brochure - 11

DAY 4 Sunday, August 2

medication-assisted treatment

Relapse and Recovery: Effective
Treatment for People Who Use 	
Medication-Assisted Therapy
Jay Voigt, MBA, MEd, LPC, CAC III
This presentation will focus on the dynamics of
treating people on medication-assisted therapy
across "abstinence based" and "harm reduction"
treatment settings. The constructs of "relapse
and recovery" have historically created systemic
challenges for professionals working with clients
on medication-assisted therapy in treatment
settings. Participants will be provided space
to challenge their implicit and explicit biases
around use of MAT and preconceived notions of
"recovery and relapse." Lastly, best practices will
be presented for administrators and clinicians
that work with clients on medication-assisted
therapy around helping clients navigate "recovery" and "relapse."	


Wellness, Boundaries, and
Ethics for Professionals:
"Know Thyself" Before Burnout,
Suspension, and Revoked 		

3:00 PM-4:00 PM



The Evolving Science of
Substance-Related and
Addictive Disorder With
Emphasis on Opioids and


Darryl S. Inaba, PharmD, CADC III, CATC-V
This session will provide an overview of the
neuroscientific basis of addiction, recovery,
and recrudescence to dispel the undue stigma
associated with substance-related and addictive
disorders. Dr. Inaba will share results of brain
imaging and other research processes that
validate past as well as recent developments
in the effective management of substance use
disorder. Current trends and treatments unique
to management of opioid and methamphetamine use disorders will be interwoven into the
current developments in the understanding of
those who experience these chronic persistent
medical disorders.

Kristina Padilla, MA, IMF, LAADC, ICAADC, CGS
We will explore the practical application of ethics
in counseling and therapy in working with SUD
clients. Additionally, the importance of managing compassion fatigue will be explored, along
with suggestions for maintaining wellness.

executive & leadership

10 Steps to Reimbursement
Success: How to Help Your
Attorney Help You Get Paid
John Mills, JD
Zachary Rothenberg, JD
The health-care landscape is changing rapidly,
and companies that fail to develop a proper
reimbursement roadmap will be at a severe
disadvantage. The presentation will provide ten
strategies, tools, and approaches that attendees
can implement right away to improve success
in maximizing reimbursement for services

20 national conference on addiction disorders 21

NCAD Virtual Experience Brochure

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of NCAD Virtual Experience Brochure

NCAD Virtual Experience Brochure - 1
NCAD Virtual Experience Brochure - 2
NCAD Virtual Experience Brochure - 3
NCAD Virtual Experience Brochure - 4
NCAD Virtual Experience Brochure - 5
NCAD Virtual Experience Brochure - 6
NCAD Virtual Experience Brochure - 7
NCAD Virtual Experience Brochure - 8
NCAD Virtual Experience Brochure - 9
NCAD Virtual Experience Brochure - 10
NCAD Virtual Experience Brochure - 11
NCAD Virtual Experience Brochure - 12