NCAD Virtual Experience Brochure - 5

Explore innovative, evidence-based initiatives and treatment
techniques addressing a wide range of drug addiction
and co-occurring mental health problems.

Discuss the role of MAT in today's treatment programs.

Discover tools and strategies to advance your services,
improve profitability, measure outcomes, retain staff, and
ultimately grow your behavioral healthcare organization.

NCAD East brings you the education to become a more
effective treatment center marketer by providing the
tools and insight needed to successfully promote your
recovery services.

DAY 1 Thursday, July 30


4 Expert-Driven
Educational Tracks

10:15 AM-11:15 AM

New Paradigm for Recovery 	
Robert DuPont, MD
To improve long-term outcomes for individuals with substance use disorder (SUD), an
ambitious standard for evaluation of treatment
is needed: 5-year recovery. The physician health
programs have for the past 40 years pioneered
a new paradigm that makes 5-year recovery the
expected outcome of treatment using a combination of careful evaluation, effective-mostly
short-term-treatment, intensive long-term
monitoring, and active recovery support. This
presentation will review the elements of the new
paradigm and highlight the impressive sustained
outcomes of state-run Physician Health Programs
(PHPs). It will also describe how innovative
programs are now extending care management
for longer periods of time, building on intensive
residential or outpatient treatment, and identifying ways in which the criminal justice system
and families can utilize PHP-inspired strategies
to improve SUD outcomes with many other

11:45 AM-12:45 PM
4 concurrent sessions
core clinical

10 Principles of Recovery:
A New Positive Psychological
Approach to Treatment		
Trish Henri-Barrus, PhD
Jade Ozawa-Kirk
Historically, psychology has focused on mental
illness and the negatives in human behavior.
This has been especially true in the field of
addiction as evidenced by the wide use of the
label "addict." In recent years, interest in human
potential, resilience, and well-being has grown.
This interest was, in part, due to the positive
psychology movement that focused attention
on the study of human strengths or those inner
traits and characteristics that contribute to
the well-being of the individual and the world.
Positive psychology focuses more on strengths
than on weaknesses, on building the best things
in life rather than becoming fixated on the worst,
and on those things that contribute to human
health rather than perpetually digging at wounds
and taking identity from sickness. This can be
especially problematic for those in recovery.
We have created a program centered around the
10 Principles of Recovery using the framework of
positive psychology and the existing research on
the benefits of positive psychological methodology on addiction recovery. In our session, we
will discuss in detail the existing literature that
supports these 10 principles, the protocol, interventions, and the benefits of using this program
in recovery.	

8 national conference on addiction disorders

medication-assisted treatment

Addressing MAT's Biggest
Challenge: Stigma	
Greg Hobelmann, MD, MPH
Stigma surrounding MAT is a major barrier to opioid agonist therapy. Having a clear understanding of the mediators of this stigma is essential in
finding ways to reduce it. The mediators include
the language of "addiction," the friction between
harm reduction advocates and abstinence-based
treatment providers, the disconnection between
treatment for substance use disorders and the
medical system, the scarcity of agonist treatment
in the criminal justice system, and the misconception that addiction is a willful choice. We can
better understand the origin of these mediators if
we know the evolution of substance use disorder
treatment in the United States. Armed with this
information, we are better able to discuss and
implement agonist therapy.


The Conflict Between Ethical
Clinical Practice and Business 		
Mary Woods Ryan, MSHS, BC-RN, LCS, LADC
Jonathan DeCarlo, CAC (Level III)
The dissonance between corporate policies and
ethical standards can create secondary trauma
for staff. The goal of this session is to increase
awareness of the effect of trauma on staff and
how organizational policies and procedures
need to match ethical standards in creating a
trauma-informed workplace. This session will
also describe methods to cope with this dissonance and self-care.

executive & leadership

Policy, Power, and Politics:
Advancing Your Agenda With 		
Legislators and Regulators
Jason Perillo, MBA, MPA
As industry professionals, we focus primarily on
our operation, our finances, and, most importantly, our clients. It is what we do every day and
accounts for 99% of our time.
New laws and regulations, however, have a
tremendous impact on our clients and our
organizations. When it comes to advocating
for public policy in the best interest of clients
and the industry, though, we tend to leave that
to industry groups and other "advocates." That
reliance is necessary to advance our agenda, but
not sufficient to achieve success.
In the words of former House Speaker Tip
O'Neill, "All politics is local." Needs vary by provider and by state, and you must be laser-focused
to achieve the legislative results you need. 9

NCAD Virtual Experience Brochure

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of NCAD Virtual Experience Brochure

NCAD Virtual Experience Brochure - 1
NCAD Virtual Experience Brochure - 2
NCAD Virtual Experience Brochure - 3
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NCAD Virtual Experience Brochure - 5
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NCAD Virtual Experience Brochure - 8
NCAD Virtual Experience Brochure - 9
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