NCAD Virtual Experience Brochure - 7

Thursday, July 30
11:15 AM-11:45 AM
12:45 PM-1:00 PM
2:00 PM-2:45 PM
Friday, July 31
10:00 AM-10:30 AM
11:45 AM-12:30 PM
1:30 PM-2:00 PM
3:00 PM-3:30 PM
4:30 PM-4:45 PM

DAY 2 Friday, July 31


Saturday, August 1
10:00 AM-10:30 AM
11:45 AM-12:30 PM
1:30 PM-2:00 PM
3:00 PM-3:30 PM
4:30 PM-4:45 PM
Sunday, August 2
10:00 AM-10:30 AM
11:30 AM-12:15 PM
1:15 PM-1:45 PM
2:45 PM-3:00 PM

12 national conference on addiction disorders

10:45 AM-11:45 AM
COVID-19 Response Panel
Pete Nielsen, LAADC
Philip McCabe, CSW, CAS, DRCC
Nick Stavros, MBA	
This panel will focus on the COVID-19 pandemic.
Panelists will address its effect on the addiction
community in relation to patient needs, response
to care, and access to care. In addition, the
perspective of serving as a Disaster Response
Crisis Counselor on trauma, resilience, grief, and
loss working with first responders, first receivers,
and other providers or essential workers will be
Issues that will be addressed include how
COVID-19 has affected the addiction community
disproportionally, such as limitations/barriers/
roadblocks/challenges in access to treatment services. The panelists will also present
precautions health-care professionals can take
now in their practices to protect themselves and
patients while providing care. Finally, what the
future holds for addiction community post-pandemic will be envisioned.	

12:30 PM-1:30 PM
2 concurrent sessions
Innovation Theater: Abbvie	
Innovation Theaters are informational sessions
designed to complement your educational experience by further enhancing your knowledge
and confidence of disease-states or products.
No CME or CE credits are offered at these

executive & leadership

Stronger Together: Promoting
Executive and Organizational 	
Collaboration Among Treatment
Sam Bierman, CAP
Many forces seem to be aligned against the
success of treatment programs-perhaps
most importantly, the field's own puzzling lack
of coordination. Unlike the rest of healthcare,
cross-collaboration among addiction treatment
providers remains a relative novelty beyond informal referral relationships. However, in order to
improve patient outcomes, we must continue to
support ethical and effective business practices
and address payer and governmental policies.
Executives and the organizations they lead need
more collaboration. In this presentation, you
will review case studies, hear what works and
what doesn't, and take away actionable steps to
position your organization-and the field-for
greater success.

2:00 PM-3:00 PM
2 concurrent sessions
COVID-19: What Have We
Learned So Far
Andrew Stone, MD, MPH
Session sponsored by Dominion Diagnostics.


Making Your Website Your Top
Source of Admissions:
The Tools and Google Trends
to Accomplish It
Daniel Gemp
Do you wish your website was a more consistent
source of potential patient inquiries?
Dreamscape Marketing CEO, Dan Gemp, will
share Google trends and best practices for
digital strategy as well as critical technologies for
automating and assessing your marketing efforts
online. Having developed 600+ behavioral health
treatment websites and marketing campaigns,
Dan will explain how to appropriately allocate
your digital marketing budget and efforts as a
multiplier on your marketing.
Attendees will learn how to address multiple
audiences and stakeholders, as well as identify
more accurate geographic and demographic
targeting through their websites to create a more
powerful sales funnel and improve conversion
rates. Leave with actionable strategies to
implement today, and work on making your
website your top source of admissions! Session
sponsored by Dreamscape Marketing.

3:30 PM-4:30 PM
4 concurrent sessions
core clinical

Practicing Alcohol Moderation:
A Harm Reduction Alternative to 	
the Abstinence-Only Model	
Cyndi Turner, LCSW, LSATP, MAC
Craig James, LCSW, LSATP, MAC
With the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders now viewing
alcohol use disorders on a spectrum, behavioral
health-care providers need to provide treatment
that is appropriate for all levels of alcohol use.
This presentation will differentiate types of
drinkers and their treatment needs, predict who
is a candidate for alcohol moderation using the
research-based Alcohol Moderation Assessment,
and develop a Moderate Drinking Plan for appropriate clients using moderation tools.

core clinical

The Rise of Vaping: The Good,
the Bad, and the Ugly	
Brian King, PhD, MPH
This presentation will describe the evolving
landscape of e-cigarettes and other electronic
tobacco products in the United States, including
patterns of use among youth and adults; discuss
the impact of these products, on individual and
population level health in the United States; and
outline population-based strategies that can be
implemented to minimize the risks of e-cigarettes on public health, particularly for youth and
young adults.

medication-assisted treatment

Advances in Medications for OUD:
What's New and in the Pipeline
Marc Fishman, MD
This session will provide an overview of new
developments in medications and medication
delivery strategies intended to improve the
effectiveness of opioid use disorders (OUD)
treatment. Topics will include: new medication-assisted OUD (MOUD) formulations
recently introduced or in the pipeline, including
extended release buprenorphine and extended
release naltrexone implants; new medications
and medication combinations that could be
used to enhance the effectiveness of MOUD,
including lofexidine, accelerated initiation of naltrexone, prevention of stress-provoked relapse,
and vaccines; and MOUD delivery strategies that
could be used to overcome barriers to patient
engagement, including delivery in criminal
justice settings, emergency departments, and

executive & leadership

Mission and Margin: Balancing
Patient Care and Business 		
Alex Denstman
J. Gregory Hobelmann, MD, MPH
Providing excellent patient care while creating
financial sustainability for substance use disorder
treatment facilities is a constant challenge.
Often, treatment providers emphasize one area,
but the best providers seek to excel in both. Patient care and business performance do not have
to be at odds and careful consideration of both
can drive decision-making in a complimentary
way. This presentation will shed light on some of
the factors that impacted the evolution of substance use disorder treatment and focus on how
to successfully balance mission and margin. 13

NCAD Virtual Experience Brochure

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of NCAD Virtual Experience Brochure

NCAD Virtual Experience Brochure - 1
NCAD Virtual Experience Brochure - 2
NCAD Virtual Experience Brochure - 3
NCAD Virtual Experience Brochure - 4
NCAD Virtual Experience Brochure - 5
NCAD Virtual Experience Brochure - 6
NCAD Virtual Experience Brochure - 7
NCAD Virtual Experience Brochure - 8
NCAD Virtual Experience Brochure - 9
NCAD Virtual Experience Brochure - 10
NCAD Virtual Experience Brochure - 11
NCAD Virtual Experience Brochure - 12