NCAD Virtual Experience Brochure - 9

Outcomes, Measurement-Based
Care, and Technology in the "New
Normal": Adopting a ChronicDisease and Recovery Journey
Deni Carise, PhD
Trends in the healthcare industry and in our field
are fueling a move to value-based and recovery-oriented care. To be value-based necessitates
the ability to measure our effectiveness, while
recovery-oriented care must include a long-term
plan like those implemented in other chronic
diseases. These new demands have compelled
behavioral health treatment and recovery organizations to achieve some consensus on standards
to be used for benchmarks (of organizational and
patient-level success). The COVID-19 pandemic
has driven an unprecedented expansion of
technology and telehealth adoption. This has
provided many new opportunities to deliver care
that individuals struggling with substance use
disorders could not have previously received.
This brings with it both a myriad of new questions and tremendous opportunities. How will
we know if telehealth options work at least as
well as traditional service delivery? Will people
who would have not gotten help otherwise be
interested in treatment? This session will provide
data from an industry survey on issues related
to changes in our field, examine the benefits,
effects, and value of the skyrocketing adoption
of technology-based services, and the escalating
need for industry outcomes measurement.
Session sponsored by GLOO.

3:30 PM-4:30 PM
3 concurrent sessions
core clinical

Implementing and Utilizing
Contingency Management Within 	
Opioid Treatment Programs	
Haley Horton
Michael White, MCJ
Retention in treatment continues to allude
agencies. Finding strategies to actively engage
clients can be difficult. Recently, several federal
agencies and researchers have advocated for
the ability to practice contingency management with treatment providers. Research has
demonstrated statistically significant outcomes
in engaging clients into treatment through
times that clients may have historically relapsed.
The session examines the implementation,
utilization, and outcomes of using contingency management within an opioid treatment
program setting. Contingency management is
most-widely used in the field of substance abuse
to engage clients using stimulus control and
positive reinforcement to change behavior.	

16 national conference on addiction disorders

medication-assisted treatment

Implementing MAT Therapy
During Pregnancy
Susan Hadley, MD
Prevalence of substance use during pregnancy
is substantial. Women using illicit substances or
prescribed opiates may have irregular menstrual
cycles but can still conceive. As a result, prenatal
care may be delayed. Assessment tools are
available to help identify patients with opioid use
disorder (OUD) and pregnancy. Withdrawal is
not an option for this population. In this session
we will discuss the stigma and barriers to seeking
prenatal care in a woman with an OUD, how to
assess women who are pregnant who may have
OUD, and treatment options. Types of MAT and
how to initiate MAT as well as preparing a patient
with OUD (with or without MAT therapy) for labor, delivery, and postpartum will be discussed.

executive & leadership

The Increasing Importance
of Compliance Planning for
Behavioral Health Providers
Bragg Hemme, JD
Jennifer Evans
As behavioral health entities evolve, the need
for focus on its compliance efforts becomes
increasingly important. This session will survey
key compliance areas and crucial focal points for
behavioral health-care providers. This includes
building a compliance plan and key components
to protect behavioral health-care providers;
responding to government audits, surveys,
and fraud investigations from state and federal
law enforcement; protecting and right-sizing
your workforce by monitoring and complying
with various payer rules for billing, supervision,
incident to services and more; and complying
and managing Medicaid waivers and other grant
programs. Additionally, there are Part 2 and
state confidentiality considerations (because
HIPAA is NOT enough!); exploring parity and
equity coverage; scope of practice issues and
how they relate to coverage and payment; and
discovering why proper licensure and enrollment
is important, particularly because those rules are
changing significantly.	

DAY 4 Sunday, August 2

DAY 3 Saturday, August 1

2:00 PM-3:00 PM

4:45 PM-5:45 PM
Memo to Self: Protecting Sobriety
With the Science of Safety 	
Kevin T. McCauley, MD
One of the most amazing things humans do is
fly hundreds of thousands of people around the
world, every day, without a single fatal mishap.
Safety procedures make this possible.
Getting ready to leave addiction treatment is, at
heart, a safety problem. Avoiding the common
pitfalls of early sobriety is a safety problem. Using
a medication that is also a potential intoxicant
to stabilize recovery and prevent death from
relapse is a safety problem.
This presentation describes how the evidence-based and practice-proven Science of
Safety can be brought to bear in predicting,
analyzing, and preventing common problems
that arise in early recovery. Dr. McCauley will
explore the concepts of recovery management
and describe how people in treatment for their
addictive disorders can use them to overcome
the decision-making deficits that accompany
early sobriety in order to maximize their chances
of long-term remission.
Dr. McCauley uses his own experience as a former flight surgeon, as a former probationer under the threat of re-incarceration, and as a person
who struggled through early sobriety to achieve
his own long-term recovery to advocate for a
culture of safety in addiction treatment aftercare
that makes a culture of recovery possible.

9:00 AM-10:00 AM
4 concurrent sessions
core clinical

A Multi-Faceted Approach to
Cravings Management	


Ethics of Self-Care
Tara Matthews, PhD, LPC, MAC
Keeping the addiction professional healthy is
imperative to maintaining quality of care and
retention of ethical addiction professionals
in the field of addiction treatment. Burnout,
impairment, and relapse are possible and often
preventable. It is common for busy professionals
and students to eliminate or neglect self-care
due to a lack of time or an imbalance of responsibilities in their lives. We invite clients to practice
healthy self-care for their recovery. I invite you to
practice healthy self-care to be an ethical addiction professional. Through audience participation, small group work, demonstrations, and take
away activities, this interactive session facilitates
the formulation of a self-care plan while working
through the ethical decision-making model.

executive & leadership

Navigating the Reimbursement
Minefield: Strategies, Trends, and 	
Tips in Provider-Payor Conflict
Harry Nelson, Esq.
The addiction treatment/behavioral health landscape is changing rapidly and companies that
fail to develop a proper reimbursement roadmap
will be at a severe disadvantage. Attendees will
gain an understanding of the latest trends in
payor audits, prepayment reviews, and special
investigations, including risks, primary areas of
focus and emerging areas of concern for both
in-network and out-of-network addiction and behavioral health providers in obtaining payment
from insurance companies. The presentation
will provide strategies, tools, and approaches
that providers can implement to reduce risk and
improve success in maximizing reimbursement
for services.

Doug Paul, LMHC, QS, LPC
This presentation will review the literature on
cravings management techniques, discuss
cravings management medications, and elicit
a discussion of multi-faceted approaches that
have worked for those on the front lines of SUD
treatment. This dynamic presentation is both
experiential and educational with the use of
mixed-media and pop-culture references.

medication-assisted treatment

Can We Just Get Along?
Greg Delaney
This session will educate clinicians and traditional recovery providers how to best communicate
the benefits of MAT to the faith community
as well as provide strategies for effective
integration of faith partners into the use of MAT
modalities. 17

NCAD Virtual Experience Brochure

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of NCAD Virtual Experience Brochure

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NCAD Virtual Experience Brochure - 2
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NCAD Virtual Experience Brochure - 9
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