Psych Congress 2023 Brochure - 21

10:30 AM-11:45 AM
m aster c lass s eries
These highly interactive accredited educational
sessions offer a comprehensive and practical look
into a diverse array of mental health conditions.
Both seasoned and early-career mental health
professionals will benefit from the knowledge
and insights shared by our diverse team of expert
clinical faculty. Complementing the overall
agenda, these sessions provide a deep dive into
emerging therapies, new treatment formulations,
and management of the most complex patients,
and are designed to answer your most challenging
questions. Supported by educational grants and with
a focus on translating current research into practical,
real-world applications, these sessions will help you
to effectively integrate the latest advances in mental
healthcare into clinical practice, enhancing your
professional skills and improving patient outcomes.
12:00 PM-1:15 PM
i nno v a tion t heaters
Lunch will be served.
Innovation Theaters are informational sessions
designed to complement your educational
experience by further enhancing your knowledge
and confidence of disease-states or products. No CE
credits are offered at these programs.
1:30 PM-2:45 PM
State of the Science: Focus
on Major Depression
speaker: CHarles DeBattista,
traCk(s): state of tHe sCienCe,
Depressive DisorDers
State of
Clinical Challenges
Depression is a complex and multifaceted mental
health condition that affects millions of people
around the world. In recent years, there has been an
explosion of research aimed at better understanding
the underlying causes of depression, as well as
developing more effective treatments for the
disorder. This session will provide an overview of the
state of the science of depression, drawing on the
latest findings and what is on the horizon.
By the end of this session, participants will have
gained a deeper understanding of the current state
of knowledge regarding depression, as well as the
implications of these findings for clinical practice,
policy, and future research.
When Does a Difference Make a
Difference? How to Figure Out
What's Important
speaker: leslie CitroMe, MD, MpH
traCk(s): general psyCHiatry
In this session, we will discuss the key concepts
of statistical significance and clinical relevance in
clinical trial results. You will gain an understanding
of the difference between p-value and effect size,
and how to calculate effect size. By the end of this
session, you will have a clear understanding of the
importance of these concepts in interpreting clinical
trial results and be better equipped to differentiate
between statistically significant results and those
with clinical relevance. This session is essential for
anyone involved in clinical research or who needs to
interpret clinical trial results.
Overcoming Barriers and
Maximizing Opportunities in
speaker: eDwarD kaftarian, MD
traCk(s): teCHnology, praCtiCe
This session is designed to provide psychiatric
medical professionals with insights on how to
effectively manage a telepsychiatry practice.
With the increasing demand for virtual care,
telepsychiatry has become a critical component
of mental healthcare delivery. However, managing
a telepsychiatry practice comes with unique
challenges, including regulatory compliance,
technological issues, and patient engagement.
Comprehensive Update on
speakers: CHarles raison, MD; anDrew
penn, Ms, pMHnp
traCk(s): psyCHeDeliCs
The session will cover the most up-to-date
information on the therapeutic potential of
psychedelic substances and the latest findings on
their effects on mental health and well-being.
Navigating the Storm: Practical
Strategies for Managing Emotional
Dysregulation in Borderline
Personality Disorder
speaker(s): tBD
traCk(s): personality DisorDers
Borderline personality disorder (BPD) can
present a significant challenge for psychiatric
medical professionals. Emotion dysregulation is
a core feature of BPD and can lead to chaotic and
unpredictable behaviors, making it challenging to
manage in a clinical setting. This session will focus
on practical strategies that psychiatric medical
professionals can use to optimize management
and navigate the storm of emotion dysregulation in
patients with BPD.
3:00 PM-4:15 PM
Optimizing Patient Outcomes
Following an Initial Episode in
speaker: CHristopHer Correll, MD
traCks: psyCHotiC DisorDers
This session aims to explore the importance of early
identification and intervention in the management
of patients experiencing their initial schizophrenic
episode. The session will cover key strategies for
assessing and diagnosing early symptoms, including
prodromal and attenuated psychotic symptoms.
We will also discuss evidence-based interventions,
including pharmacological and non-pharmacological
treatments, that can improve patient outcomes and
reduce the risk of relapse.
#Psychcongress2023 | | 800.205.8233 21

Psych Congress 2023 Brochure

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Psych Congress 2023 Brochure

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