Psych Congress 2023 Brochure - 22

Managing Anxiety Disorders in
2023 and Beyond
speakers: ManisH JHa, MBBs;
CHelsie Monroe, apn, pMHnp-BD
traCk: anxiety DisorDers
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused significant
disruptions in our daily lives, triggering a surge in
anxiety and stress levels. This session will focus
on exploring effective treatment strategies for
managing anxiety, specifically for generalized
anxiety disorder (GAD), obsessive compulsive
disorder (OCD), and agoraphobia. We will discuss
the role of behavioral therapy and medication
treatment in managing anxiety symptoms, including
the use of virtual therapy options. Additionally,
we will explore reengagement with society and
practical tips for overcoming fear and anxiety in
social situations.
Practical Use of Ketamine
speaker: DaviD Dansky, MD, faCep
traCks: Depressive DisorDers, trauMa
The use of ketamine as a potential treatment
for depression and PTSD has gained significant
attention in recent years. The session will
provide an overview of the mechanism of action
and pharmacology of ketamine, the evidence
supporting its use in these disorders, and provide
practical tips for the use of ketamine in clinical
practice, including dosing, administration,
monitoring, and patient selection.
The aim of this session is to equip attendees with
the knowledge and skills to effectively use ketamine
as a treatment option for depression and PTSD in
their clinical practice.
Metabolic and Nutritional
speaker: JaMes greenBlatt, MD
traCk: integrative Care
In recent years, there has been growing interest
in the relationship between nutrition and mental
health. This session will explore the emerging field
of nutritional and metabolic psychiatry and discuss
the potential of leveraging diet as a key aspect of
psychiatric treatment. We will review the latest
research on the impact of diet on mental health
and examine the mechanisms by which specific
nutrients may influence brain function and behavior.
We will discuss the role of insulin resistance,
ketogenic diets, and micronutrient deficiencies
across multiple psychiatric disorders. The practical
considerations for implementing dietary and
nutritional interventions in psychiatric practice will
be discussed. By the end of the session, attendees
will have a better understanding of the role of
diet and nutritional supplementation to augment
medication management.
Postpartum Psychosis and
Infanticide: Debunking the Myth
speaker: niCole Cirino, MD, Cst, pMH-C
traCks: woMen's Mental HealtH,
psyCHotiC DisorDers
Psych Congress has partnered
with the International Society for
Reproductive Psychiatry to provide
you the opportunity to expand
your knowledge and expertise in women's mental
health and reproductive psychiatry throughout the
develoPed in PartnershiP with the international
societY of reProductive PsYchiatrY
4:30 PM-5:45 PM
Expert Panel: Real-World Impact of
Rapid-Acting Antidepressants
speaker: greg Mattingly, MD
traCk: Depressive DisorDers
Depressive disorder is a debilitating mental illness
that affects millions of people worldwide. While
traditional antidepressants can be effective, they
can take weeks or even months to start working,
leaving patients suffering in the meantime.
Rapid-acting antidepressants are a promising
new approach to treating depressive disorder
that can provide relief in a matter of hours or days
rather than weeks. This session will explore the
latest innovations in rapid-acting antidepressant
treatments, including ketamine, psilocybin, and
other novel compounds. We will discuss the
mechanisms of action of these drugs, their efficacy
in clinical trials, and the potential risks and side
effects. We will also explore the ethical implications
of using these powerful drugs to treat mental illness.
In addition to discussing the science behind rapidacting
antidepressant treatments, this session
will address practical considerations for clinicians
and patients. We will explore the challenges and
opportunities of integrating these treatments
into clinical practice, including issues related to
administration, dosing, and monitoring. We will
also consider the potential impact of rapid-acting
antidepressants on the overall landscape of
depression treatment, including their potential
to revolutionize the field and improve outcomes
for patients. Overall, this session will provide a
comprehensive overview of the latest developments
in rapid-acting antidepressant treatments and their
potential to transform the treatment of depressive
When a Childhood Habit Is
Something More: Exploring
the Management of Pediatric
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
speaker: Jon grant, MD
traCks: CHilD anD aDolesCent
psyCHiatry, oBsessive-CoMpulsive
Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is a common
and disabling disorder that often manifests
in childhood. It is characterized by intrusive
and distressing thoughts, images, or impulses
(obsessions) that are accompanied by repetitive
behaviors or mental acts (compulsions) aimed at
reducing the anxiety caused by the obsessions.
The management of OCD in children can be
challenging, and early diagnosis and treatment are
critical for preventing long-term disability.
22 register early to save | #Psychcongress2023

Psych Congress 2023 Brochure

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Psych Congress 2023 Brochure

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