Psych Congress 2023 Brochure - 23
Aging and Resilience: How to
Identify and Bolster Coping
Strategies in Aging Patients
speaker: MarC agronin, MD
traCk: geriatriC psyCHiatry
As the global population continues to age, it is
becoming increasingly important to identify effective
coping strategies for older individuals. This session
will explore the concept of resilience and how it
relates to aging. With a focus on the challenges faced
by aging patients, we will explore how to identify
and bolster coping strategies that can help patients
maintain resilience in the face of those challenges.
This session will explore practical strategies for
assessing coping skills in aging patients, including
how to identify factors that may be undermining
resilience, such as social isolation or cognitive
decline. Additionally, participants will learn how
to collaborate with aging patients to develop
personalized plans for enhancing resilience,
including strategies for fostering a sense of purpose
and meaning in life. By the end of the session,
attendees will have a deeper understanding of how
to support aging patients in living their lives with
purpose and resilience.
State of
Integrating Shared Decision-Making
and Patient-Centric Interventions
Into Mental Health Practice
speaker: anDrew sMitH, Msw, MpH;
rakesH Jain, MD
traCks: patient aDvoCaCy, praCtiCe
In today's healthcare landscape, it is
essential to incorporate the patient's
voice in shared decision-making,
where the clinician acts as an advisor. This approach
ensures that the best practices are developed by
incorporating the patient's perspective. This session
aims to provide clinicians with the necessary skills
to incorporate patient perspectives and develop
treatment plans that align with the patient's needs.
We will challenge clinicians to consider how they can
transform their approach to patient care and create a
more patient-centered practice.
develoPed in PartnershiP with dePression and
biPolar suPPort alliance.
Psych Congress has partnered with the Depression
and Bipolar Support Alliance to deliver advanced
education on mood disorders including depression
and bipolar disorder, which affect more than 21
million Americans and account for over 50% of the
nation's suicides every year.
6:00 PM-7:45 PM
exhibit hall
6:30 PM-7:30PM
inno v a tion thea ter
exhibit hall
Innovation Theaters are informational sessions
designed to complement your educational
experience by further enhancing your knowledge
and confidence of disease-states or products. No CE
credits are offered at these programs.
Schizophrenia is a complex and heterogeneous
disorder that affects approximately 1% of the
population worldwide. Despite significant progress
in the field, many questions remain about the
underlying mechanisms of the disorder and the
most effective interventions. This session will
provide an overview of the latest research findings,
including advances in genetic and neurobiological
research, new diagnostic approaches, and emerging
State of
Clinical Challenges
By the end of this session, participants will have
gained a deeper understanding of the current state
of knowledge regarding schizophrenia, as well as the
implications of these findings for clinical practice,
policy, and future research.
September 8
7:30 AM-8:45 AM
i nno v a tion t hea ter s
Breakfast will be served.
Innovation Theaters are informational sessions
designed to complement your educational
experience by further enhancing your knowledge
and confidence of disease-states or products. No CE
credits are offered at these programs.
9:00 AM-10:15 AM
Clinical Challenges
Solving Clinical
Challenges: Focus on
Major Depression
speakers: rakesH Jain, MD;
vlaD MaletiC, MD; CHarles
raison, MD
traCks: solving CliniCal CHallenges,
Depressive DisorDers
Designed to provide practical solutions to some
of the most challenging patient cases, Solving
Clinical Challenges sessions put our most
experienced faculty on the spot to answer the
question-what would you do? Exploring complex
scenarios associated with real patients, our
clinical panel will interact and collaborate to share
insights and expertise on diagnostic challenges,
psychopharmacologic and psychotherapeutic
approaches, and multidisciplinary care. Practical
take-aways will enable clinicians to apply advanced
approaches to similarly complex patients, enhancing
overall care delivery and optimizing patient
This session will focus on major depressive disorder,
a serious and widespread mental health issue that
affects millions of people worldwide and can be
challenging to diagnose and treat effectively.
State of the Science: Focus
on Schizophrenia
speaker: peter weiDen, MD
traCk(s): state of tHe sCienCe,
psyCHotiC DisorDers
#Psychcongress2023 | | 800.205.8233 23
Psych Congress 2023 Brochure
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Psych Congress 2023 Brochure
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