Psych Congress 2023 Brochure - 29
10:30 AM-11:45 AM
m aster c lass s eries
These highly interactive accredited educational
sessions offer a comprehensive and practical look
into a diverse array of mental health conditions.
Both seasoned and early-career mental health
professionals will benefit from the knowledge
and insights shared by our diverse team of expert
clinical faculty. Complementing the overall
agenda, these sessions provide a deep dive into
emerging therapies, new treatment formulations,
and management of the most complex patients,
and are designed to answer your most challenging
questions. Supported by educational grants and with
a focus on translating current research into practical,
real-world applications, these sessions will help you
to effectively integrate the latest advances in mental
healthcare into clinical practice, enhancing your
professional skills and improving patient outcomes.
12:00 PM-1:15 PM
i nno v a tion t heaters
Lunch will be served.
Innovation Theaters are informational sessions
designed to complement your educational
experience by further enhancing your knowledge
and confidence of disease-states or products. No CE
credits are offered at these programs.
12:00 PM-3:30 PM
exhibit hall
2:00 PM-3:00 PM
inno v a tion thea ter
exhibit hall
Innovation Theaters are informational sessions
designed to complement your educational
experience by further enhancing your knowledge
and confidence of disease-states or products. No CE
credits are offered at these programs.
3:45 PM-5:00 PM
Making the Connection Between
Inflammation and Depression
speaker: CHarles raison, MD
traCk: Depressive DisorDers
Expanding Access to Buprenorphine
for Opioid Use Disorder
speaker: arwen poDesta, MD
traCk: aDDiCtion & suBstanCe use
The opioid epidemic continues to ravage
communities across the country, with many
individuals struggling with opioid use disorder
(OUD). Medication-assisted therapy (MAT) with
buprenorphine has emerged as a gold standard
treatment for OUD. However, access to this
treatment has been limited due to the requirement
of an X-waiver for healthcare providers to prescribe
This session will focus on the recent removal of
the X-waiver requirement and its implications for
psychiatric medical professionals. The session will
provide an overview of MAT with buprenorphine,
including its efficacy and safety, as well as strategies
for initiating and managing treatment. Attendees will
gain an understanding of best practices for MAT with
buprenorphine and the latest developments in policy
that impact their practice.
Navigating the ADHD Transition
From Childhood to Adulthood
speaker: tiM wilens, MD
traCk: aDHD, CHilD anD aDolesCent
ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that
can have a significant impact on an individual's
academic, social, and occupational functioning.
However, the symptoms and challenges associated
with ADHD can shift and evolve as an individual
progresses through different stages of development.
In this session, we will explore the unique challenges
and opportunities associated with ADHD during the
transition from childhood to adulthood, including
issues related to medication management, executive
functioning, social skills, and career development.
We will also discuss strategies for supporting
individuals with ADHD as they navigate this critical
transition period. By the end of this session,
attendees will have a deeper understanding of the
complexities of ADHD across the lifespan and be
better equipped to provide effective, evidencebased
care to individuals with ADHD.
Social Media and Mental Health: A
Practical Approach to Addressing in
Clinical Practice
speaker: sara JoHansen, MD, Ms
traCk: teCHnology
Social media platforms can provide opportunities
for social connection and companionship, and
these online communities can lessen the impact of
loneliness and isolation on mental and emotional
health. However, numerous studies provide strong
evidence that social media use can actually increase
feelings of anxiety, depression, low self-esteem,
and isolation. Particularly for adolescents, social
media platforms can carry serious risks, such as
cyberbullying, sexualization, disrupted identity
development, and impaired relationship formation.
This session will provide an overview of positive
effects of social connection and companionship and
explore the consequences of excessive reliance on
social media outlets for human interaction.
#Psychcongress2023 | | 800.205.8233 29
Psych Congress 2023 Brochure
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Psych Congress 2023 Brochure
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