2023 Cape Cod Symposium Brochure - 13
toward recovery. Having care providers isolated
from each other increases the incongruent care risk.
These patients frequently encounter stigma and
recommendations that are clouded by bias. This
talk will address current recommendations for SUD
treatment in pregnancy and how the utilization of
multidisciplinary teams improves patients' lives and
the lives of their children.
Understanding Trauma
michelle duBey, lcsw, lisw, ccts-i
This workshop will cover: Defining Trauma; Identifying
Types of Trauma; How the Stress Response System
Works; and How We Heal From Trauma. The presentation
explores what trauma really is-a response to an event,
not the event itself. Loss of self, a major symptom of
a trauma event, will be analyzed in detail. Identifying
Trauma will identify and define big " T " and little " t "
traumas, adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), the
impact on human development, and the relationship
between trauma and addiction. How the Stress Response
System Works will show the relationship of cortisol and
the stress response system (SRS), the purpose of the SRS,
and what happens when the SRS becomes dysregulated.
Healing from Trauma will look at best practices, including
how mindfulness can be utilized, the extreme importance
of the therapeutic relationship, types of therapy
modalities, and what makes therapy work in clinical
settings. With expanded understanding of the impact of
therapeutic relationships, attendees will be able to better
navigate the therapeutic alliance of patient and therapist,
and patient and their support network.
5:45 PM-6:45 PM
A New " Addiction " Paradigm:
From Disease to Meaningful
Dilemma, From Abstinence-Only
to Integrative Harm Reduction
andrew tatarsky, phd
This workshop will introduce Andrew Tatarsky's
Integrative Harm Reduction Psychotherapy (IHRP) as
a treatment that is relevant and effective for the vast
majority of people with problematic and addictive
substance use. Harm reduction is increasingly being
embraced as a framework what can enhance the
effectiveness of addiction and mental healthcare across
the continuum of care. Harm reduction meets people
wherever they are ready to begin their positive change
journeys, embraces the full range of positive change
goals, and emphasizes empowerment and collaboration
between the provider and participant. IHRP techniques
are uniquely tailored to each person. A central focus
on therapeutic alliance and relationship creates a safe
context in which to clarify the meanings and functions
of problematic behavior, enhance self-regulation, and
develop alternative healthier, self-affirming solutions.
IHRP addresses related personal and lifestyle issues
concurrently with the problem behavior. This workshop
will introduce harm reduction and its core principles as
a frame for helping relationships. We will discuss IHRP's
clinical rationale and supporting psychobiosocial theory.
IHRP has mapped the therapy in seven therapeutic tasks,
which will be described. The workshop will combine
lecture, discussion, case vignettes, and experiential
practice of specific techniques that practitioners can
bring to their practices immediately. Attendees will learn
practical strategies for engaging active substance users,
Learn more & register at capecodsymposium.com/rates
promoting enhanced affect regulation, working with
ambivalence as a motivational strategy, and clarifying
positive change goals and working toward achieving
their goals.
2023 Cape Cod Symposium Brochure
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of 2023 Cape Cod Symposium Brochure
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