2023 Cape Cod Symposium Brochure - 18

these services hold weight to accomplishing treatment
goals, they do not show the individual's entire journey
and, most notably, opportunities to collaborate with
them. Community Medical Services has implemented
" Patient Engagement " that has become the road
we use to meet patients along their journey. We will
review the research on patient engagement and the
impact it is having on treatment. These documented
efforts help gain a better view of the individual and
therefore provide improved quality of care. Attendees
will also learn ways to engage with participants in ways
to help them participate and attend in other services.
Patient engagement will also provide opportunities
for professionals to measure and observe changes
in individuals that can lead to better and improved
outcomes. Engagement with individuals in treatment
can also lead to better retention.
Polysubstance Use in Patients
Prescribed Medications for Opioid
Use Disorder: Current Evidence
From Urine Drug Testing to Inform
Treatment Planning
kelly olson, phd
Drug overdose deaths are higher than ever, and more
overdose deaths co-involve illicit fentanyl than any other
drug alone. Addiction professionals must maintain
awareness of current trends in illicit drug use and how
they may affect clinical practice. While medications
for opioid use disorder (MOUD) can reduce harmful
opioid use, concurrent use of other nonprescribed illicit
substances may negatively affect treatment outcomes.
Urine drug testing (UDT) provides clinically actionable,
objective information about polysubstance use to
support clinical decision-making. This workshop will
provide insight into current drug use trends, with an
emphasis on polysubstance use, from a database of
millions of definitive UDT results. It will also describe
nonprescribed and illicit drug use among patients
who are prescribed buprenorphine or methadone and
how drug use may differ based on whether patients
are taking their prescribed MOUD. Key considerations
for monitoring medications in this patient population
will be discussed in the context of a comprehensive
treatment approach. A case-based approach will be
used to facilitate the development of skills to identify
and navigate scenarios involving polysubstance use
in clinical practice to improve treatment planning and
patient care.
Treating " Resistant " Clients:
Effective Strategies for Responding
to Challenging Clients (Part 2)
Bruce e. fischer, phd, lp, lmft
This session will build on Treating " Resistant " Clients:
Effective Strategies for Responding to Challenging
Clients (Part 1). Nine advanced skills for effectively
responding to resistance will be reviewed and
illustrated. Some of the skills are redefining, reframing,
prescribing, metaphorical directives, and therapeutic
storytelling. A demonstration role play will be used to
illustrate how the skills can be applied in the treatment
process. The session will integrate techniques and
theoretical material from motivational interviewing,
psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral, humanistic,
Ericksonian, and narrative approaches. Participants will
gain an increased understanding of the wide range of
options in responding to resistance.
Treatment and Recovery
Discover Harm Reduction: Next
Step, Integration
John p. de miranda, edm, crc
This presentation will be a dynamic update of how
harm reduction (HR) practice is being integrated
into treatment and recovery organizations. Examples
of integration into professional development and
clinical practice will be highlighted. 2022 was the
breakout year for HR to move from the margins to the
mainstream of the addiction field. In 2023 the field
will witness the ongoing uptake of this important
innovation. This workshop will examine this real-time
process in detail. For the first time, harm reduction
as a policy priority is identified in the White House's
National Drug Strategy. SAMHSA recently awarded
$30 million for harm reduction projects and many
other SAMHSA grants now require harm reduction
activities and referral linkages. In addition, treatment
organizations seeking funding must now incorporate
outreach and collaborations with community harm
reduction organizations as a " required activity. " So
far, traditional treatment professionals and programs
demonstrate only a limited understanding of harm
reduction as a clinical practice. As viewed within
the treatment community, HR is seen largely as a
mechanism to get people into treatment/recovery.
The idea of assisting a drug user without facilitating
a path to abstinence is viewed by many as a violation
of recovery culture and ethically questionable. This
workshop will ground participants in a leading-edge
innovation (harm reduction integration) that is
currently underway. An overview of HR therapy will be
presented. Attendees will also participate in interactive
clinical case studies designed to foster examination
of beliefs, opinions, and personal histories that either
facilitate or discourage uptake of harm reduction
principles and practices. Participants will depart with
skills in the practice of harm reduction therapy, and
motivation to return to their worksites ready to initiate
personal and organizational change.
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2023 Cape Cod Symposium Brochure

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of 2023 Cape Cod Symposium Brochure

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2023 Cape Cod Symposium Brochure - 2
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