2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 11

7:00 AM-8:00 AM
7:30 AM-8:30 AM
7:30 AM-6:30 PM
7:45 AM-8:15 AM
Association of Addiction Family
Service Providers Meeting
The past year, 2022, was the start of a new focus
on family services within the addiction treatment
community and the early formation of the Association
of Addiction Family Service Providers. In 2022, a
discussion was held at each of the HMP Addiction
Symposia about how best to develop comprehensive
services for families. As part of this discussion, we
discussed the viability of developing an association for
addiction professionals who work with families. Topics
discussed were how to reduce compassion fatigue
and maintain a healthy family services workforce,
developing a set of best practices for family services
within addiction treatment programming, and how
to implement family focused outcome measures to
demonstrate the value of family services in the recovery
process. If you or anyone you know is passionate about
improved family services and interested in being a part
of this launch/movement/group, please attend this
brief introductory meeting and brainstorm session.
Thanks, and pass the word about this meeting to others
who are interested in family services!
8:30 AM-9:30 AM
A New " Addiction " Paradigm:
From Disease to Meaningful
Dilemma, From Abstinence-Only
to Integrative Harm Reduction
Psychotherapy (IHRP)
andrew tatarsky, phd
This workshop will introduce Andrew Tatarsky's
Integrative Harm Reduction Psychotherapy (IHRP) as
a treatment that is relevant and effective for the vast
majority of people with problematic and addictive
substance use. Harm reduction is increasingly being
embraced as a framework what can enhance the
effectiveness of addiction and mental health care
across the continuum of care. Harm reduction meets
people wherever they are ready to begin their positive
change journeys, embraces the full range of positive
change goals, and emphasizes empowerment and
collaboration between the provider and participant.
IHRP techniques are uniquely tailored to each
person. A central focus on therapeutic alliance and
relationship creates a safe context in which to clarify
the meanings and functions of problematic behavior,
enhance self-regulation, and develop alternative
healthier, self-affirming solutions. IHRP addresses
related personal and lifestyle issues concurrently with
the problem behavior. This workshop will introduce
harm reduction and its core principles as a frame for
helping relationships. We will discuss IHRP's clinical
rationale and supporting psychobiosocial theory. IHRP
has mapped the therapy in seven therapeutic tasks
will be described. The workshop will combine lecture,
discussion, case vignettes, and experiential practice of
specific techniques that practitioners can bring to their
practices immediately. Attendees will learn practical
strategies for engaging active substance users,
promoting enhanced affect regulation, working with
ambivalence as a motivational strategy, and clarifying
positive change goals and working toward achieving
their goals.
9:30 AM-10:15 AM
10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive
Therapy: Clinical Applications for
Anger Management
wendy J. insalaco, lgadc, lgpc
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy is an evidencebased
approach, which combines the ideas of
cognitive therapy with meditative practices and
attitudes based on the cultivation of mindfulness.
Mindfulness-based interventions are being used more
frequently among mental health professionals and
there is good reason for this. There is evidence to
suggest that these interventions are very effective for a
variety of emotional and cognitive conditions including
anger management. Join Wendy Insalaco, MS,
Addiction Treatment as she discusses the clinical
application of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for
anger management.
Navigating Ethics and Boundaries
in a Post-Pandemic World
leah claire Bennett, phd
COVID-19 has stretched healthcare to its limits, and as
we navigate a return to a new normal there are many
professional issues that need to remain at the forefront
of our work. Personal mental health, boundaries, ethics,
and self-care will be addressed in this talk in order to
help mental health professionals understand how the
pandemic stress continues to impact everyday practice
needs. Connecting the role of self-care to the benefits
around having healthy professional boundaries will be
addressed along with contextual factors that increase
risk of violations.
LEarn morE & rEgistEr at EASTCOASTSympOSium.COm/rATES

2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of 2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure

2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 1
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 2
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 3
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 4
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 5
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 6
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 7
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 8
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 9
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 10
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 11
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 12
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 13
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 14
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 15
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 16
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 17
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 18
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 19
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 20