2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 12
Treating Substance Use Disorder
With Ambulatory Detoxification
Protocols and Medication-Assisted
Treatment During COVID-19
Janet l. wilkinson, msn
This presentation will incorporate and highlight
an enhanced knowledge base regarding inpatient
vs outpatient detoxification process for SUD/MAT
co-occurring team members. This knowledge can
help clinicians and providers better understand
their clients anticipated withdrawal symptoms as
well as review potential treatment options. Treating
withdrawal symptoms either anticipatorily or at onset
of symptoms has been shown to be an effective tool
to increase the individual's quality of life and decrease
the risk of ongoing substance use. Comparative
outcomes between outpatient (community) and
inpatient care demonstrated a better detoxification
completion rate with outpatient care than inpatient
(Hall, Coppin, et al). This study evaluated a combined
approach that demonstrated a high success rate
at a lower cost, compared to a traditional inpatient
detoxification treatment. This innovative method of
detoxing people off of illicit substances including
alcohol, benzodiazepines, and opiates in an
outpatient setting has proven to be an effective,
safe, and low-cost treatment for patients with mild to
moderate symptoms (per the SOWS/COWS scale).
We will discuss individual substances, anticipated
withdrawal symptoms, and the management
techniques (including medication and other
modalities) to help combat the patients individual
symptoms. We will also briefly discuss post-acute
withdrawal symptoms (PAWS) and treatment options
for these symptoms as well.
10:30 AM-11:30 AM
Preparing for Value-Based Care:
Measurement, Documentation, and
Analysis of Patient Outcomes
annie peters, phd, lp
With the release of CMS's Behavioral Health Strategy,
pending legislation, and expanded federal health
equity actions, more emphasis will be placed on
outcome data. Initial guidance exists, including
best practices from the NAATP Outcomes Pilot
Program and the Foundation for Recovery Science
and Education (FoRSE) initiative. However, the types
and extent of data required are likely to expand;
additional compliance requirements will come with
this expansion, increasing provider demands. Despite
numerous studies reflecting the value of measurebased
care (MBC) and current Joint Commission
standards for the inclusion of a standardized tool
to monitor patient progress, providers are slow to
change. Although clinicians identify multiple MBC
benefits, including improved communication and
client empowerment, less than 20% are integrating
MBC into their practice. During this session, experts
in outcome data collection and analysis will present
best practices and innovation efforts underway to
help behavioral health providers to: Localize outcome
measurement to drive visibility into facility-level
performance; Leverage benchmark data to understand
performance in the larger community context; Drive
adoption of MBC using best practices in clinician
engagement, adoption, and technology requirements;
Develop a robust data and analytics approach that will
12 #EastCoastsymposium23
enable success under fee-for-service and value-based
models; Outline the critical technology requirements
for an effective MBC program; Describe the data and
analytics infrastructure required to collect, manage,
store, and analyze complex outcomes data
11:45 AM-1:00 PM
The Use of Neurotechnology and
Interventional Psychiatry in the
Treatment of Pain Recovery
Jason l. thompson, Bsc, Qeeg-t
James montgomery, md
Today in the US, it is estimated that approximately
100 million adults live with daily chronic pain and
that opioid analgesics have been prescribed for up
to one-third of patients in primary care clinics. The
United States leads the world in the consumption of
opioids. This sharp rise in usage over the past decade
has led to the public health crisis linked to overdose
deaths. Typically, the etiology of chronic pain is poorly
suited to be managed by medications as the suffering
associated with pain is more of the central issue
requiring remediation. Our approach will highlight the
usage of Neurotechnology (ie, dTMS, HBOT, qEEG,
NFB) and integrated psychiatry. This presentation will
include the use of data to adjust treatment protocols
and guide strategies for success. This process results in
the empowerment of the patient as case examples and
video demonstrations will be included.
1:15 PM-2:45 PM
Incorporating Entrepreneurial
Opportunities and Leadership
Development as Effective Models
of Treatment
Jason g. roop, phd; Brian privett, Jd
This presentation will provide a novel perspective on
understanding the leadership traits commonly held by
people with substance use disorder. This knowledge
can be incorporated into the clinical setting through
the integration of leadership assessment instruments
which can help the clinician and client gain a better
understanding of behavioral patterns and how they can
be transformed into positive attributes. The findings
from a peer-reviewed published article suggest that
people with substance use disorder have inherent
qualities which can position them for effective. Traits
which are often present, and further developed in
recovery, include empathy, resiliency, inspirational
motivation, and tenacity. According to this study,
participants were able to increase their commitment to
recovery with the understanding that they possessed
desirable characteristics that could benefit those
around them. This session will help clinicians identify
those existing traits and review how they can be
integrated into the therapeutic setting. There will be a
discussion on guiding clients to further develop those
traits in goal setting and behavior modification.
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of 2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 1
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 2
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 3
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 4
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 5
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 6
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 7
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 8
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 9
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 10
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 11
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 12
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 13
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 14
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 15
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 16
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 17
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 18
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2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 20