2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 14
trauma with older adult populations. This session will
explore the difference age makes in the presentation
and treatment of trauma. Attendees will be able
to identify signs of trauma in older adults, which
previously may have been mistaken for other issues.
Attendees will also learn about trauma interventions
appropriate for use with older adults facing a variety of
clinical, neurological, and medical issues.
SPATS: Framing Our Treatment for
Families in Recovery
meri l. shadley, phd; kelli grock, ms
Although research regarding the efficacy of family
treatment is vast, a large number of addiction providers
conceptualize and provide treatment from primarily
an individual-focused approach. SPATS, a model
designed to teach systems thinking, provides a
unifying framework for understanding and intervening
with both individuals and families. This workshop will
introduce the SPATS framework (Structure, Process,
Assessment, Techniques, and Self) as an assessment
tool and a guide to help clinicians design systemic
interventions that enhance relational and individual
recovery. Additionally, SPATS is presented as a tool for
supervisors to assist in strengthening their supervisees'
clinical skills to include experiential and somatic
interventions. As each aspect of the framework is
introduced, participants will have an opportunity to
1) view common interpersonal dynamics through
video demonstrations; 2) apply effective interventions
through role-play; and 3) integrate systems change into
their treatment plans via small group discussion. This
workshop aims to assist counselors to effectively help
in healing post addiction injuries. The introduction and
application of the SPATS Framework assists clinicians
(and supervisors of clinicians) to better understand and
utilize systemic thinking for assessing and planning
treatment interventions for individuals, couples, and
families along the recovery pathway.
5:15 PM-6:15 PM
At Our Doorstep: Silence and
Violence in the Lives of Women
mandy k. Baker, ms, lcdc
It is estimated that approximately 1,000,000 people
are trafficked each year globally and that between
20,000 and 50,000 are trafficked into the United
States, which is one of the largest destinations
for victims of the sex-trafficking trade. Every year,
more than 10 million men and women in the U.S.
are subjected to domestic violence. More than 1 in
3 women (35.6%) in the U.S. will experience rape,
physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate
partner in their lifetime. Like the " War on Drugs, " the
country's primary efforts to combat sex trafficking
and violence against women typically stem from law
enforcement efforts. This presentation will consider
historical lessons from the " War on Drugs " and why
this approach cannot work to resolve the current
crisis at our doorstep. It will also call on providers
of behavioral healthcare to utilize their existing
resources and their considerable voice on matters of
violence to advocate for systemic change. After this
presentation, attendee's will be able to: delineate the
separation between restorative and criminal justice
and explain how an intersection of these efforts can
create change; identify and mitigate the stigma
places on women who have been victimized and how
gender inequality perpetuates cycles of substance
14 #EastCoastsymposium23
abuse intergenerationally for women; and integrate
" real-world " strategies for reducing violence against
women in their practice of counseling, advocacy,
and/or medicine through their work with all gender.
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of 2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure
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2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 2
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