2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 7

7:00 AM-8:00 AM
7:30 AM-8:30 AM
7:30 AM-6:30 PM
8:30 AM-9:30 AM
Neurobiology of Addiction in 2023
petros levounis, md, ma
From a neurobiological perspective, addiction is the
hijacking of the pleasure-reward pathways of the brain
and a weakening of its executive function. In 2023, the
fundamental model has been expanded to include newer
concepts such as motivational circuitry and anti-reward
pathways. These 21st century discoveries inform clinical
innovations that are now changing the landscape of
the pharmacological and psychosocial treatments of
substance use disorders and the behavioral addictions.
9:30 AM-10:15 AM
10:15 AM-11:45 AM
Adverse Childhood Experiences
and the Justice-Involved Population:
What to Know and How to Help
david dawdy, ma, llp
There is a broad understanding that high percentages
of individuals involved in our justice systems have
experienced serious lifetime trauma, in particular during
their formative childhood years. The effects of Adverse
Childhood Experiences (ACEs) impact people throughout
all areas of life and can significantly compromise their
ability to recover from significant life events, substance use
disorders, and mental illness, as well as making it difficult
to access services and increasing the likelihood of getting
involved in the criminal justice system. We will discuss in
detail how a cycle of violence is perpetuated by trauma,
the relevance of ACEs with justice involvement, real-life
examples of trauma and effective treatment, and how
we can work together to reduce recidivism. Partnerships
across and between corrections and community systems
that link individuals to care will be highlighted. Being
informed about these trauma issues, their prevalence, and
effective approaches to care will improve lives and reduce
the cycles of crime and violence that affect us all.
Ethical Considerations and
Implications of Addressing and
Treating Substance Use
During Pregnancy
valerie m. kading,
dnp, mBa, msn, pmhnp-Bc
Currently, 24 states and the District of Columbia consider
substance use during pregnancy as child abuse and 3
states legally uphold civil commitment. Half of the states
require healthcare professionals to report suspected
substance use during pregnancy and 8 states require
mandatory drug testing for suspected substance use
during pregnancy. Yet only 19 states provide substance
use treatment for pregnant women. The opioid epidemic
has resulted in a 4x increase in the number of pregnant
women delivering with opioid use disorder from 1999
to 2014 and 7x increase in babies experiencing neonatal
abstinence syndrome from 2000 to 2014. These policies
and statistics raise significant ethical considerations for
the healthcare provider that impact the mother and baby.
The four principles of ethics including beneficence,
nonmaleficence, autonomy, and justice will be explored
from the lens of a healthcare provider. Participants will
gain a deeper understanding of the potential conflicting
principles and how it can guide decisions when faced
with a pregnant woman using substances. We will
be discussing the ethical principles and challenges
impacting care of a pregnant woman using substances
and determining how a clinician can support and
demonstrate autonomy of the pregnant patient.
Social Identity Mapping for
Adolescent Addiction Recovery
emily a. hennessy, phd, mphil, Ba
Addiction recovery is difficult for adolescents and
emerging adults and often involves multiple rounds of
treatment and supports. Social recovery capital (eg, sober
friends, family, peer groups) is vital to reducing substance
use. Social contexts shape social identity-who I am-
which is generated from social group memberships-
who we are. Social identity develops through interaction
with social groups and changes over time as adolescents
develop and engage with different social groups. As peer
norms and values are strong influences on youth health
and risk behaviors, one's social identity is an important
determinant of actual behaviors in social contexts.
Recovery becomes more or less difficult, depending
on social influences and how these interact with other
recovery capital resources. This presentation will discuss
the research on the importance social recovery capital
for youth recovery, discuss the process of social identity
change during treatment and recovery, and describe how
one novel and visual approach, Social Identity Mapping
(SIM), can be used to measure and reflect with an
adolescent on their immediate social influences. Results
from a mixed method study with 25 recovering youth
(12-19 year olds) will be presented to demonstrate key
network characteristics and reflective themes from the
post-SIM interviews. The practical knowledge gained will
be to understand what social identity mapping is, and
how it can be used as a visual tool, along with targeted
reflection questions, to enable youth reflection and
increase practitioner-youth engagement and connection.
LEarn morE & rEgistEr at EASTCOASTSympOSium.COm/rATES

2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of 2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure

2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 1
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 2
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 3
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 4
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 5
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 6
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 7
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 8
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 9
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 10
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 11
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 12
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 13
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 14
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 15
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 16
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 17
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 18
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 19
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 20