2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 9

fungal, and parasitic infections. The possession and
use of illicit substances as well as illegal sales of drugs,
sex, and other forms of criminal activity present a risk
for violence, incarceration, and sometimes housing
insecurity, leading to further susceptibility to infections
via open wounds, via the effect of accompanying
substance use mediated impairments to healing,
and immunity and in the case of incarceration and
housing insecurity, also via exposure to additional, less
common pathogens. Diagnosis and co-management
of substance use disorders and infections in people
who use drugs in various settings is then further
complicated by stigma, avoidance, neglect, and
logistical issues leading to missed or delayed
diagnoses, undertreatment and further transmission.
This workshop will detail the relevant co-occurring
diagnoses and the settings in which they should be
considered, how they can be worked up and managed.
We will review information regarding appropriate initial
work up and management, referral considerations
as well as commonly encountered challenges within
various scenarios.
1:30 PM-2:30 PM
We are Marketing Magic: How
Operators can Create a Holistic
Marketing Approach in
Behavioral Healthcare
glenn hadley
Historically, one of the greatest challenges we've faced
in the addiction treatment space is the lack of mature
brands explaining to the public what we sell. When
we're unable to clearly define the product we deliver,
we're starting at a deficit when it comes to creating
effective marketing and sales strategies that deliver
stable and sustainable growth. In order to overcome
that deficit, operations in our space need to not only
develop mature brands that set clear expectations
and consistent experiences but deliver those stories
online through performance-first digital strategies
that meet patients and their families where they are.
Although it may appear expedient at first to focus
only on performance optimization at the expense
of developing your brand, neglecting this pillar of
your marketing fails to build public trust, leaves you
vulnerable to month-to-month fluctuations, and
undermines your long-term growth. A performancefirst
strategy that drives traffic to a generic website is
a waste of your budget as a strong brand without an
intentional plan and the technical implementation to
share it with your target audience. Join Glenn Hadley,
as he discusses the need to leverage performancebased
digital marketing, backed by well-developed
brands, to realize stable and sustainable growth.
2:45 PM-3:30 PM
3:30 PM-5:00 PM
Exploring the Complexities of
Substance Use and Eating
Disorder Treatment
meghan Johnson, lcsw, ccs
Recent data from the American Journal of Psychiatry
(2021) supports the finding that eating disorders
and substance use disorders have the highest rate of
mortality among psychological disorders, particularly
when combined. Yet, there are surprisingly few
options when it comes to treating these co-occurring
clients effectively. This workshop will educate
participants on treatment considerations and referral
options for clients with Substance Use presenting
with eating disorder symptoms and a firmer grasp
on the psychology behind this complex diagnosis.
Participants will be able to bridge the gap between
these two disorders by utilizing provided resources to
integrate specialized eating disorder care into existing
treatment models and partner with referral options
to strengthen client outcomes. Upon completion,
participants will emerge with tools to better meet the
needs of their clients through an integrated care model
and understand the unique risks associated with this
particular co-occurring population.
Families That Organize Around a
Loved One's Addiction: Enhancing
Family Engagement, Motivation,
and Readiness for Change
michael Barnes, phd, lac, lpc
Based on more than 30 years of research, there is little
disagreement that families play a significant systemic
role in the onset and throughout the progression of
a loved one's substance use disorder. There is also
strong empirical evidence that including families in
addiction treatment is effective in promoting treatment
engagement, retention, and outcomes. Unfortunately,
even in these days of evidence-based practice, family
programming in traditional addiction treatment is
relegated to a peripheral role in the treatment process.
Dr. Barnes will discuss the parallel process that clients
and their families experience in terms of motivation for
change, stages of change, and how families experience
the same biological, psychological, and social
progression through their efforts to assist their loved one
in achieving sobriety, while simultaneously needing to
live with the daily problems/traumas associated with
their loved one's chronic illness. Dr. Barnes will introduce
attendees to multiple family stress theories, family-based
models of chronic disease management, and SystemicMotivational
Therapy that can be used to help families
gain new insight, increase motivation and engagement,
and move effectively through stages of change. Finally,
he will introduce models of family treatment that can
be provided within traditional addiction treatment
programs and across the treatment continuum to
enhance treatment outcomes.
Interpersonal Violence and
Substance Abuse: Interrelationship
and Treatment Interventions
wachell mckendrick, msw, phd, cap
Although dating relationships typically begin in
adolescence and continue to develop into young
adulthood, only recently has research had a general
focus on young adult dating violence (Jennings,
Okeem, Piquero, Sellers, Theobald, and Farrington,
2017). Moreover, recent National Crime Victimization
Survey data show that the highest rate of serious
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2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of 2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure

2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 1
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 2
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 3
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 4
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 5
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 6
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 7
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 8
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 9
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 10
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2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 12
2023 East Coast Symposium Brochure - 13
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