Berks County Bar Association The Berks Barrister Winter 2019 - 4

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Opening Statement

Jeffrey A. Franklin, Esquire, 2019 President
Your Berks County Bar Association and Law Foundation
are off to a great start in 2019, and we are looking forward to an
exciting year! I'd like to start the year off, on behalf of myself, the
staff and the members, by welcoming our new BCBA Executive
Director, Kori Walter, and thanking Executive Director
Emeritus Donald F. Smith, Jr. for his long, distinguished service
as our "Bar Tender." I would also like to thank Joan E. London
for her service as our president in 2018, and her continuing
assistance as the immediate past president.
It is a true privilege to be an active BCBA member for over
two decades. During that time, my membership in the BCBA
and other bar associations has afforded me unique opportunities.
Among them are chairing ABA committees, serving in the PBA
and holding a variety of leadership positions with the Berks
Bar, including Treasurer, Board of Directors Member, Endlich
President, Technology Committee Chair, and more. Throughout
my career, my favorite activities have centered on our Berks
County Bar Association and our community of lawyers. That's
because the warmth and fellowship among our members is
We have enjoyed tremendous success during the past several
years. To build upon that success and continue serving our
membership and our community, the Board of Directors last year
instituted a solid Strategic Plan (the "Plan"). This Plan, which is
in place through 2020, outlines three goals and identifies multiple
strategies for achieving those goals. Here are the highlights of
the Plan:
* Increase Public Awareness of the Role Lawyers Have in Our
System of Justice
o Strategy No. 1: Develop Educational Programs for youth
and college students - President and Executive Director to
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follow-up with school boards re: civics education curriculum
and related education programs.
o Strategy No. 2: Increase Workshops in the Community.
o Strategy No. 3: Optimize Advertising Undertaken by the
* Build Upon the Value of BCBA Membership
o Strategy No. 1: Enhance CLE Offerings - other times of
day, locations, remote/online.
o Strategy No. 2: Increase engagement of members -
managing partners, YLS, corporate attorneys, expand softball
event, add more spouse/family events.
o Strategy No. 3: Expand membership benefits - wellness,
mental health, YMCA, member discounts, Barrister articles,
note PBA benefits like LOM consultations, free Casemaker,
discounts, etc., Safe Ask, Lawyer to Lawyer, Contact info
and/or practice areas?, Spanish for Lawyers, Financial
Management for lawyer.
* Ensure Continued Financial Stability and Effective
o Strategy No. 1: Become less dependent on law journal
revenue - Board members more directly involved in soliciting
sponsors; Expand vendor marketplace on website; Develop an
advertising protocol for web site beyond vendor marketplace.
o Strategy No. 2: Advance the use of technology by the BCBA
- Promote web site use; Alpha directory; Public directory;
Upgrades to the website.

Berks County Bar Association The Berks Barrister Winter 2019

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Berks County Bar Association The Berks Barrister Winter 2019

Berks County Bar Association The Berks Barrister Winter 2019 - 1
Berks County Bar Association The Berks Barrister Winter 2019 - 2
Berks County Bar Association The Berks Barrister Winter 2019 - 3
Berks County Bar Association The Berks Barrister Winter 2019 - 4
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Berks County Bar Association The Berks Barrister Winter 2019 - 8
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