Looking Forward To Another Gr-r-reat Year! When you are ready to Buy or Sell... All images on this page by Lucy Cairns 27 2019 Team up with the Tiger! Lisa Tiger If I'm feeling panicky about having too much to do but take time anyway for a walk in the park, the soundtrack in my head goes from the White Rabbit ("I'm late, I'm late, for a very important date!") to Robert Louis Stevenson's "The world is so full of a number of things, I'm sure we should all be as happy as kings." Life seems good again and my to-do list more do-able. -Lucy Cairns continued on next page Office: 610-779-2500 Direct: 610-207-6186 LisaTigerHomes.com WINTER 2020 | 15http://www.LisaTigerHomes.com