Bucks Montgomery Physician Spring 2021 - 19
process in the Commonwealth. PAMED has played an
integral role in developing this legislation and working to
advance it. Though there are reserved bill numbers, there has
been no legislative language introduced at this time.
International Medical Graduates
(IMG) Licensure Parity
House Bill 245 (Kaufer) - Rep. Kaufer has reintroduced his
effort to support IMGs through this legislation, which seeks
to modernize the process by which graduates of international
medical schools become licensed. Similar legislation
passed the House last session, but stalled in the Senate.
Senate Bill 25 (Bartolotta) - PAMED has long opposed
these efforts, but last session agreed to listen/negotiate a
pilot program where CRNPs would be granted independent
practice with specific guidelines and restrictions. As this
effort did not come to fruition, stakeholders are working
to determine what legislative action, if any, would look
like given the outcome of the previous session.
Out-of-Network Balance Billing
HCO 128 (Rapp) - Co-sponsor memorandum to advance
legislation that would protect consumers from surprise
balance bills from medical providers. PAMED has
played a lead role in this effort to advance fair legislation
dealing with balance billing. Given the recent passage of
the Federal legislation on this topic, No Surprises Act,
comprehensive protection to consumers was provided.
At this time, we are asking the General Assembly to
defer consideration of state level legislation pending the
full implementation of the new Federal law. There still
may be need for state level legislation in the future, but
we won't know until the Federal law is fully in place.
address the disparity between independently practicing
physicians with those associated with hospitals.
Interstate Medical Compact Act (PAMED supports)
House Bill 192 (Topper) - Legislation to allow
Pennsylvania to fully join the Interstate Medical
Licensure Compact, providing for criminal background
checks for expedited licensure applicants.
Opioid Prescribing Limits
Senate Bill 169 (Yaw) - This bill would limit the prescription
for a controlled substance containing an opioid to seven
days unless there is a medical emergency that puts the
patients' health or safety at risk. PAMED has been in
discussions with Senator Yaw's staff regarding the bill's text.
Lyme Disease CME (PAMED opposes)
Senate Bill 281 (Brooks) - This legislation would
require health care practitioners to learn more
about Lyme disease and other tick-borne illness
as part of their continuing education (CME).
Stay up to date on these and other issues at
www.pamedsoc.org and in The Dose.
Making an Impact
Restrictive Covenants (PAMED supports)
House Bill 681 (Ecker) - Recently, Representative Ecker
reintroduced legislation that aims to prevent the use of noncompete agreements in health care practitioners' employment
contracts. PAMED is in the process of developing legislative
language, in consultation with Rep. Ecker, to amend HB 681
with language that would better protect physicians employed
by hospitals and health systems while at the same time not
disenfranchising physicians who own independent practices.
It is important that any proposal addressing this issue takes
into account the concerns of all PAMED members.
Liability Protection (PAMED supports)
Senate Bill 273 (Baker) - COVID-19 liability protection
effort; providing for limited, temporary, and targeted
COVID-19-related liability protections for health care
workers engaged in the care and management of patients
with or suspected of having COVID-19. SB 273 seeks to
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Bucks Montgomery Physician Spring 2021
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Bucks Montgomery Physician Spring 2021
Bucks Montgomery Physician Spring 2021 - 1
Bucks Montgomery Physician Spring 2021 - 2
Bucks Montgomery Physician Spring 2021 - 3
Bucks Montgomery Physician Spring 2021 - 4
Bucks Montgomery Physician Spring 2021 - 5
Bucks Montgomery Physician Spring 2021 - 6
Bucks Montgomery Physician Spring 2021 - 7
Bucks Montgomery Physician Spring 2021 - 8
Bucks Montgomery Physician Spring 2021 - 9
Bucks Montgomery Physician Spring 2021 - 10
Bucks Montgomery Physician Spring 2021 - 11
Bucks Montgomery Physician Spring 2021 - 12
Bucks Montgomery Physician Spring 2021 - 13
Bucks Montgomery Physician Spring 2021 - 14
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Bucks Montgomery Physician Spring 2021 - 17
Bucks Montgomery Physician Spring 2021 - 18
Bucks Montgomery Physician Spring 2021 - 19
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