Bucks Montgomery Physician Summer 2021 - 3

Legislative Updates
July 1, 2021
Stay up to date on PAMED's legislative priorities at www.pamedsoc.org/Advocacy.
Legislature Recesses Early for the Summer
Pennsylvania lawmakers have historically waited until the
very last minute to approve the state budget. This year, the
General Assembly exceeded all expectations by approving a
nearly $40.8 billion dollar budget on June 25...five days before
the constitutional deadline. The frenzy of legislative activity,
immediately prior to the budget deadline, often results in
" legislative surprises " where bills that had otherwise languished
for one reason or another suddenly make it across the finish line.
This year was no exception.
For the Pennsylvania Medical Society (PAMED), legislation
to address the process by which physicians obtain informed
consent from patients passed both chambers and was signed by
the Governor on June 30, 2021, as Act 61. The measure, formerly
Senate Bill 425, had originally been introduced several sessions
ago after a state Supreme Court ruling materially changed the
informed consent process, no longer allowing physicians to
delegate that authority. The change significantly disrupted patient
flow in hospitals often leading to surgical delays. Physicians will
once again have the authority to delegate informed consent to
another colleague or other qualified individual. Members can
learn more in PAMED's Quick Consult on Act 61 at
www.pamedsoc.org/QuickConsult. Other PAMED supported
bills were advanced in the legislative process prior to the summer
recess. These included:
Senate Bill 225 (PAMED supports)
Legislation to reform the prior authorization process.
Approved by the Senate Banking and Insurance Committee.
Senate Bill 705 (PAMED supports)
A telemedicine measure that will, among other things,
mandate insurers to pay for telemedicine. The bill was
approved by the Senate Banking and Insurance Committee.
* House Bill 681 (PAMED supports)
A measure to limit restricted covenants in physician contracts
was approved by the House Health Committee and awaits
final consideration by the full House.
* House Bill 1280 (PAMED supports)
Legislation changing the process by which patients are
informed about the results of imaging studies. The bill was
recently approved by the House Health Committee.
Senate Bill 416 (PAMED supports)
This legislation officially recognizes certified registered nurse
anesthetists (CRNAs) in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
as well outlining requirements for certification of CRNAs.
PAMED followed the anesthesiologists lead in supporting
this effort. The bill was signed into law by the Governor on
June 30 as Act 60.
* House Bill 1420 (PAMED supports)
The Health Care Heroes Act will establish a public awareness
campaign to provide information regarding the programs and
services available for first responders, health care workers,
and other workers suffering from mental health issues related
to COVID-19.
* House Bills 1700-1701 (PAMED supports)
Newly Introduced - Disclosure of disingenuous physician
complaints. This bill would no longer require physicians
to acknowledge the existence of a complaint filed against
their medical or osteopathic license if the case were closed
without any formal action. PAMED supports this effort and
will advocate to advance these bills. This legislation has been
referred to the House Professional Licensure Committee.
While the advancement of legislation listed above positively
reflects PAMED's legislative efforts and the efforts of engaged
physicians, there are several bills that we continue to oppose and
actively monitor. It is important for legislators to hear from their
physician constituents on all of these pieces of legislation to either
thank them or explain why specific legislation is not in the best
interest of patient care.
PAMED is closely monitoring and engaging in the following:
Senate Bill 25 (PAMED opposes)
The bill, introduced in this same form since 2015, would
grant CRNPs independent practice authority. PAMED has
long opposed these efforts and will continue to do so. This
bill was recently voted out of the Senate Consumer Protection
and Professional Licensure Committee.
Senate Bills 397-398 (PAMED opposes in current form) Since
late 2019, PAMED has been working with representatives
of physician assistants (PAs) to reach an agreement on
several changes to the existing rules governing the physician
supervision. Legislation introduced this session, Senate Bills
397-398, were approved by the full Senate before the summer
recess. PAMED, working with our physician coalition,
is seeking critical changes to the bill that would ensure
appropriate oversight of newly graduated PAs in addition
to those who are changing from one specialty to another.
PAMED is seeking to improve physician workflow related to
PAs, while at the same time ensuring appropriate supervision
and state oversight of the process.
Over the summer recess, PAMED encourages physicians to set
aside time to reach out to their local legislators and begin to
develop a personal relationship. For those who already know
their representative or senator, it is a good time to simply touch
base. The first lesson in effective advocacy is to avoid your first
meeting with lawmakers to be the one where you are asking for
help. Physicians interested in engaging in the issues above, or on
any legislative proposal, are encouraged to reach out to PAMED's
Governmental Relations staff for assistance at 800-228-7823.
http://www.pamedsoc.org/Advocacy http://www.pamedsoc.org/QuickConsult

Bucks Montgomery Physician Summer 2021

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Bucks Montgomery Physician Summer 2021

Bucks Montgomery Physician Summer 2021 - 1
Bucks Montgomery Physician Summer 2021 - 2
Bucks Montgomery Physician Summer 2021 - 3
Bucks Montgomery Physician Summer 2021 - 4
Bucks Montgomery Physician Summer 2021 - 5
Bucks Montgomery Physician Summer 2021 - 6
Bucks Montgomery Physician Summer 2021 - 7
Bucks Montgomery Physician Summer 2021 - 8
Bucks Montgomery Physician Summer 2021 - 9
Bucks Montgomery Physician Summer 2021 - 10
Bucks Montgomery Physician Summer 2021 - 11
Bucks Montgomery Physician Summer 2021 - 12
Bucks Montgomery Physician Summer 2021 - 13
Bucks Montgomery Physician Summer 2021 - 14
Bucks Montgomery Physician Summer 2021 - 15
Bucks Montgomery Physician Summer 2021 - 16
Bucks Montgomery Physician Summer 2021 - 17
Bucks Montgomery Physician Summer 2021 - 18
Bucks Montgomery Physician Summer 2021 - 19
Bucks Montgomery Physician Summer 2021 - 20
Bucks Montgomery Physician Summer 2021 - 21
Bucks Montgomery Physician Summer 2021 - 22
Bucks Montgomery Physician Summer 2021 - 23
Bucks Montgomery Physician Summer 2021 - 24