Bucks Montgomery Physician Winter 2021 - 3
by Jennifer Lorine, D.O.
label and alternative modalities that might potentially
help them. Yet here too, such suggestions are often met
with scorn, and have also become poisoned by politics.
The politics surrounding COVID-and medicine's
response to it-are no different, with political biases
often invading the simplest discussions in regards to
the virus. While our understanding continues to evolve,
there remains no 100% correct way to manage or treat
COVID. That being said, there appears to be a push for
only acceptance of what is " mainstream. " And while
many might disagree with that statement, perhaps even
vehemently, I defend the right of physicians to use
alternative modalities and practice to the fullest of our
license. Unfortunately, hospital administrators, pharmacy
boards and politicians have taken the practice of medicine
out of our hands. I have seen exasperation and anger at the
mere mention of both alternative and off-label treatments,
but our patients should have the right, in consultation
with those physicians who are comfortable, to try off-
For the sake of our patients and our profession, it's time
that we just agree to disagree when it comes to politics.
s times have become
considerably more
politically charged
recently, I'm guessing there
have been some uncomfortable
discussions over the holidays.
This year, things seem worse
than ever before. It often feels
like one side is louder than
the other, and people quickly
become aggressive when making
their point. Lately, it seems as
if the magazine has also fallen victim to this, and only
presents one side of complex issues. Regardless of
opinion, it is difficult to tolerate insults and preaching.
Opposing points of view are silenced quickly, and debate
is discouraged. It's also challenging and counterproductive
when someone demonizes your beliefs. Civil conversations
just don't seem to happen anymore. Perhaps it's time
to bring them back for the benefit of everyone.
So how do we get past the name calling, finger pointing,
and righteous anger, and back to a place of civil debate?
A good place to start might be letting go of the instinct
to pre-judge an opposing opinion, or making assumptions
about those who hold them. There are many issues on
which we can find common ground, such as defending our
right to practice medicine without political interference,
with the physician as the leader of the healthcare team.
We could get back to protecting our patients and our
livelihood from those who would seek to usurp the
patient-physician relationship, rather than wasting time on
issues on which we may never agree. My goal as president
of MCMS has been to welcome ALL of our members.
We don't have Liberal or Conservative county medical
societies, we have ONE medical society, and all points-ofview should be welcome. So, let's put the animosity aside
and try to make progress on our common ground. If we
can learn to listen with an open mind, we may realize that
we aren't that far apart after all. Let's choose to have civil
conversations about the direction of medicine, and how
we can best advance the profession. Let's try to be more
open minded when something that seems " out there " is
proposed, as trying new things is the path to innovation.
Best wishes for a happy, healthy 2021.
Bucks Montgomery Physician Winter 2021
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Bucks Montgomery Physician Winter 2021
Bucks Montgomery Physician Winter 2021 - 1
Bucks Montgomery Physician Winter 2021 - 2
Bucks Montgomery Physician Winter 2021 - 3
Bucks Montgomery Physician Winter 2021 - 4
Bucks Montgomery Physician Winter 2021 - 5
Bucks Montgomery Physician Winter 2021 - 6
Bucks Montgomery Physician Winter 2021 - 7
Bucks Montgomery Physician Winter 2021 - 8
Bucks Montgomery Physician Winter 2021 - 9
Bucks Montgomery Physician Winter 2021 - 10
Bucks Montgomery Physician Winter 2021 - 11
Bucks Montgomery Physician Winter 2021 - 12
Bucks Montgomery Physician Winter 2021 - 13
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