Bucks Writs - Spring 2021 - 6

From the Editor...
Zooming all over again.

Jason R. Weiss
Editor, Bucks Writs

It should come as no surprise
that the legal profession has
adapted to the pandemic by
using various means of remote
connections. As we continue
into year two of the Covid
Pandemic, those who were
once unfamiliar with remote
work are now as comfortable
with Zoom as they are with
parsing the holding from a
Supreme Court decision.

Using what has been learned
throughout this difficult time
would also be in our collective
best interest. Perhaps allowing
employees to work from home as
needed isn't such a bad idea.
We now know that remote hearings
and conferences work.

The Bench and the Bar Association have both
provided guidance to our members over the last year.
From CLEs and regular communications regarding
emergency orders, all parties involved have done
their best to keep our courts open and cases moving
along. For a refresher on BlueJeans, the platform in
use by the courts in Bucks County to conduct remote
hearings, check out this webinar from June 16, 2020.
Also available for your viewing pleasure is
the latest State of the Bucks County Courts.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkiv4xLeEd4. While on
the Bar Association's YouTube page, don't forget to watch
the 2020 Annual Meeting award presentations!

Need a Lawyer?
Welcome to the Bucks County Bar Association's
Lawyer Referral and Information Service
(LRIS) serving all of Bucks County. The LRIS is
a public service of the non-profit Bucks County
Bar Association. Each year the LRIS responds to
thousands of callers, referring them to attorneys with
experience in the appropriate area of law or to area
agencies able to provide assistance.

Although I believe most of us have grown tired of the
remote proceedings and lack of in-person interaction, I
hope this time has opened up some eyes to the benefits of
technology in the legal profession. Though attorneys are
generally slow to adapt to the latest technological trends,
the Pandemic forced very quick changes throughout the
profession. Using what has been learned throughout this
difficult time would also be in our collective best interest.
Perhaps allowing employees to work from home as needed
isn't such a bad idea. We now know that remote hearings
and conferences work.

Persons identified as needing legal representation and
who do not claim inability to pay an attorney will
be referred by LRIS to a participating attorney.
LRIS participation is open to all Bucks
County Bar Association members
having their primary office in
Bucks County. You can
contact the LRIS at
215-348-9413. 

Though we would all prefer to be in person every day, I
am hopeful that our members will see the benefits and
advantages of technology, even once the Pandemic passes
us by. Change can be good. 
- Jason R. Weiss


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLVmeYL2gIM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkiv4xLeEd4

Bucks Writs - Spring 2021

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Bucks Writs - Spring 2021

Bucks Writs - Spring 2021 - 1
Bucks Writs - Spring 2021 - 2
Bucks Writs - Spring 2021 - 3
Bucks Writs - Spring 2021 - 4
Bucks Writs - Spring 2021 - 5
Bucks Writs - Spring 2021 - 6
Bucks Writs - Spring 2021 - 7
Bucks Writs - Spring 2021 - 8
Bucks Writs - Spring 2021 - 9
Bucks Writs - Spring 2021 - 10
Bucks Writs - Spring 2021 - 11
Bucks Writs - Spring 2021 - 12
Bucks Writs - Spring 2021 - 13
Bucks Writs - Spring 2021 - 14
Bucks Writs - Spring 2021 - 15
Bucks Writs - Spring 2021 - 16
Bucks Writs - Spring 2021 - 17
Bucks Writs - Spring 2021 - 18
Bucks Writs - Spring 2021 - 19
Bucks Writs - Spring 2021 - 20
Bucks Writs - Spring 2021 - 21
Bucks Writs - Spring 2021 - 22
Bucks Writs - Spring 2021 - 23
Bucks Writs - Spring 2021 - 24