Bucks Writs - Summer 2021 - 27
slow things down so that we are better able to navigate
through the chaos of our lives. It can be as simple as taking
three minutes to sit and just notice the body breathing.
Now, you may be thinking that you don't have three
minutes to spare to focus attention on the breath, let
alone just sit. The good news is that this doesn't have to
be an all-or-nothing approach. Even taking mere seconds
throughout your day to pause and connect with the breath
or the body can be incredibly centering and help incline you
in the direction of relaxation.
There will likely be times when our schedules simply don't
permit us to fit in a formal practice of mindfulness -
perhaps we plan to practice extra early in the morning, only
to have a young child wake up at the same time, maybe a
work conference runs later than expected, or something
else pops up. In other words, life can sometimes " get in
the way " and push our formal practice to the wayside. But,
that doesn't mean that we can't weave mindfulness into
our day in other ways.
Below are seven simple, yet effective, ways in which you
can informally incorporate mindfulness into your daily
life. Over time, these small practices really can lead to big
changes. You may begin to notice that you feel a bit calmer,
are more present and easily able to escape reactivity, and
obtain a greater sense of overall well-being.
The Value of Non-Doing
Given that we tend to constantly be " doing, " we often are
totally unaware of the ways in which we create unnecessary
suffering for ourselves. But, when we give ourselves
permission to rest, albeit only for a minute, or even a few
seconds, we can recognize how we are and then identify
ways to better care for ourselves. By intentionally protecting
some of our time each day to simply be, we are able to step
out of reactive mode and make more conscious and wiser
decisions for ourselves, as well as others.
Try simply dropping into the
richness of your morning cup of
coffee or tea without having
to check your email, watch the
news or otherwise multi-task.
When you drink your beverage,
allow yourself to simply do just
that. Notice the sensation of the
mug against the lips, take in the aroma
of your coffee or tea, savor its taste, feel
the warmth against your hands, in your mouth and maybe
even through the body as you drink it. So often we miss
out on many of the moments of our lives in the midst of all
of our doing. But, the moments of our lives really are better
when we choose to show up for them, and allow ourselves
to slow down a bit and enjoy the experience.
Bucks Writs - Summer 2021
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Bucks Writs - Summer 2021
Bucks Writs - Summer 2021 - 1
Bucks Writs - Summer 2021 - 2
Bucks Writs - Summer 2021 - 3
Bucks Writs - Summer 2021 - 4
Bucks Writs - Summer 2021 - 5
Bucks Writs - Summer 2021 - 6
Bucks Writs - Summer 2021 - 7
Bucks Writs - Summer 2021 - 8
Bucks Writs - Summer 2021 - 9
Bucks Writs - Summer 2021 - 10
Bucks Writs - Summer 2021 - 11
Bucks Writs - Summer 2021 - 12
Bucks Writs - Summer 2021 - 13
Bucks Writs - Summer 2021 - 14
Bucks Writs - Summer 2021 - 15
Bucks Writs - Summer 2021 - 16
Bucks Writs - Summer 2021 - 17
Bucks Writs - Summer 2021 - 18
Bucks Writs - Summer 2021 - 19
Bucks Writs - Summer 2021 - 20
Bucks Writs - Summer 2021 - 21
Bucks Writs - Summer 2021 - 22
Bucks Writs - Summer 2021 - 23
Bucks Writs - Summer 2021 - 24
Bucks Writs - Summer 2021 - 25
Bucks Writs - Summer 2021 - 26
Bucks Writs - Summer 2021 - 27
Bucks Writs - Summer 2021 - 28
Bucks Writs - Summer 2021 - 29
Bucks Writs - Summer 2021 - 30
Bucks Writs - Summer 2021 - 31
Bucks Writs - Summer 2021 - 32