Bucks Writs - Summer 2021 - 29
You Are a Product of Your Environment
A motto I've tried to live by is one that my mother
taught me at a very young age: " If you don't have
anything nice to say about someone, don't say anything
at all. " Are you aware of the types of conversations that
you get yourself into, whether it be with colleagues,
friends or family? It can be really helpful to notice if you
tend to complain, gossip or talk about others because
negative communication can affect your state of mind.
Be curious of the ways in which you
can build more nourishing conversations
into your relationships.
That may mean changing the
people you surround yourself
with, disengaging from the
toxic professional or personal
relationships in your life and
choosing to surround yourself
with people who cultivate more
positive communication.
Mindfulness in Your Daily Routine
You can train your mind to connect
with the present moment with
even the most mundane of daily
activities. A great example is
taking a shower. So often,
while we stand in the shower,
our minds get caught up in
planning and strategizing out
our entire day that we end up
missing out on just how relaxing
and enjoyable something as simple as
taking a shower can be. The next time you take a shower,
or perhaps a bath, try totally focusing your attention
on the experience by being curious of body sensations,
scents, sounds, and sights. With an attitude that is open,
gentle and as much as possible, nonjudging, notice
what comes up for you as you feel the temperature
of the water against the body, smell the different
fragrances from the soap, shampoo or conditioner, listen
to the sounds of the water trickling down the walls or
sides of the bath tub, and be aware of the sensations
throughout your body.
Corporate Office: 949 Easton Road, Warrington, PA 18976 | 215-343-5700
630 Freedom Business Center, Third Floor, King of Prussia, PA 19406 | 610-489-5100
101 Lindenwood Drive, Suite 225, Malvern, PA 19355 | 484-875-3075
105 Raider Boulevard, Suite 206, Hillsborough, NJ 08844 | 908-874-7500
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n sum, these little tips really do add up.
Although there is so much around us that is out of
our control, it is very empowering to know that we have
the ability to at least control ourselves. We can cultivate
greater resilience and equanimity with a regular practice
of mindfulness. Taking moments throughout your day
to check in on how you are is not only a gift to yourself,
but to all those around you. May the benefits of your
personal practice ripple out far and wide!
If you care to take your practice a step further and
are able to carve out even just three minutes for a
formal practice, I invite you to listen to this short,
three-minute guided breathing space practice:
https://youtu.be/SDWhM6AA4hc. And if you are interested
in obtaining more mindfulness resources, please visit my
website: https://www.courtneyschulnickmindfulness.com/.
ISSUE: 2106 2102
ORG/PUB: Bucks Writs
Bucks Writs - Summer 2021
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Bucks Writs - Summer 2021
Bucks Writs - Summer 2021 - 1
Bucks Writs - Summer 2021 - 2
Bucks Writs - Summer 2021 - 3
Bucks Writs - Summer 2021 - 4
Bucks Writs - Summer 2021 - 5
Bucks Writs - Summer 2021 - 6
Bucks Writs - Summer 2021 - 7
Bucks Writs - Summer 2021 - 8
Bucks Writs - Summer 2021 - 9
Bucks Writs - Summer 2021 - 10
Bucks Writs - Summer 2021 - 11
Bucks Writs - Summer 2021 - 12
Bucks Writs - Summer 2021 - 13
Bucks Writs - Summer 2021 - 14
Bucks Writs - Summer 2021 - 15
Bucks Writs - Summer 2021 - 16
Bucks Writs - Summer 2021 - 17
Bucks Writs - Summer 2021 - 18
Bucks Writs - Summer 2021 - 19
Bucks Writs - Summer 2021 - 20
Bucks Writs - Summer 2021 - 21
Bucks Writs - Summer 2021 - 22
Bucks Writs - Summer 2021 - 23
Bucks Writs - Summer 2021 - 24
Bucks Writs - Summer 2021 - 25
Bucks Writs - Summer 2021 - 26
Bucks Writs - Summer 2021 - 27
Bucks Writs - Summer 2021 - 28
Bucks Writs - Summer 2021 - 29
Bucks Writs - Summer 2021 - 30
Bucks Writs - Summer 2021 - 31
Bucks Writs - Summer 2021 - 32