CCMS Medicine Fall 2017 - 7

I tend to agree with the reasons although I am surprised
that excessive work hours is last on the list. This tells us that
physicians by nature are hardworking and consider this a part
of their job although almost every physician works more than
40 hours per week.
It is the burdensome nature of EMR that is cited as the
cause of the increase in the clerical burden. This often leads to
diminished quality of care since more time is spent on finishing
clerical data rather than patient care and often times requires
taking work home to finish on personal computers, affecting
personal relationships as well. Increasing cost of practice and
diminishing reimbursement creates an economic mismatch
which prompts longer hours and more burnout, a vicious cycle
with no end in sight.
Physician burnout is resulting in early retirements, taking
non-clinical jobs, working for other industries and in extreme
cases even committing suicide. Data reveals that one physician
commits suicide every day.
Physician shortages are looming; instead of retaining
physicians we are losing them. I know of several physicians who
left or are leaving medicine because of the above factors.
Is there anything being done other than lip service? I
searched the 'net at length and found nothing concrete that is

being done. I feel that each organization needs to look at itself and
dedicate resources towards this very serious and growing problem.
We at the medical society will be paying a lot more attention to this
problem and also bring it to the attention of the public, hospital
organizations and the legislatures.
Mian A. Jan, M.D., is a practicing Cardiologist
and President of Chester County Medical Society.
Contact Dr. Jan at 610-827-1543.

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FA L L 2 0 1 7 | C H E S T E R C O U N T Y M e d i c i n e 7

CCMS Medicine Fall 2017

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of CCMS Medicine Fall 2017

CCMS Medicine Fall 2017 - 1
CCMS Medicine Fall 2017 - 2
CCMS Medicine Fall 2017 - 3
CCMS Medicine Fall 2017 - 4
CCMS Medicine Fall 2017 - 5
CCMS Medicine Fall 2017 - 6
CCMS Medicine Fall 2017 - 7
CCMS Medicine Fall 2017 - 8
CCMS Medicine Fall 2017 - 9
CCMS Medicine Fall 2017 - 10
CCMS Medicine Fall 2017 - 11
CCMS Medicine Fall 2017 - 12
CCMS Medicine Fall 2017 - 13
CCMS Medicine Fall 2017 - 14
CCMS Medicine Fall 2017 - 15
CCMS Medicine Fall 2017 - 16
CCMS Medicine Fall 2017 - 17
CCMS Medicine Fall 2017 - 18
CCMS Medicine Fall 2017 - 19
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