Chester County Medicine Spring 2021 - 31

Out and About
So as we strive to get the best students to enter medical school
we might be selecting those who can tolerate debt the most, and
not the most academically talented pool. If you want to prove
this to yourself take a look at the institution degrees of those people who run Hedge Funds and the money managers; they come
from the cream of the crop and the finest schools in this country,
they aren't dumb, they know where the money is. Our medical
classes are still comprised of talented folks, and are very competitive, however, the pool of applicants has dramatically changed
in the last decade. In fact we may be inducing an addiction to
debt that becomes a lifelong issue for our doctors. Because if
any intelligent young person carefully analyzes the economics of
medicine they turn to more lucrative careers. This profession with
limited income opportunities might attract and cause physicians
to continue accruing debt to maintain their life style as that is how
they originally funded their dream to become a physician in the
first place. Maybe those more tangible objects of those dreams
might be obtained using the same financial instruments. There
are some books that describe debt and leverage as strategies to
obtain an outstanding lifestyle as a professional. The problem is
one misstep and this activity that is very hard to control can lead
to bankruptcy as the end game.
I certainly don't profess to have an answer other than re-adjusting our society's priorities, something way beyond my abilities.
However, if we continue to underpay our professionals we will
all loose out in the incremental decrease in innovation, as high
skill and high judgment folks go elsewhere. It will be an almost
immeasurable change but just as anyone can better feel lumps and
bumps with their fingers than seeing them with their eyes, some
of us attuned to these activities " feel " this change before we can
measure it with the crude instruments we have to measure social
morays. As a senior ophthalmologist who owns and operates a
company that measures surgical outcomes and performance I
can tell you that what the public sees as a very wealthy, successful
doctor might very be an overextended, exhausted, burnt out, and
economically troubled MD. The proudly displayed M.D. after a
doctor's name might really be standing for " Much Debt. "
Dr Siepser is a world-renowned ophthalmologist, inventor, speaker, pilot and family man. He is the inventor of
the " Siepser Sliding Knot " which has improved the visual
performance and cosmesis of thousands of patients with
Iris defects and papillary anomalies. He is an invited
lecturer for courses on complex ocular surgery, besides
informative local talks on a multitude of ocular topics. He
is a FAA designated medical examiner (flight surgeon)
and is an Instrument Flight Rules qualified commercial pilot who flies his own airplane for business and pleasure.

Dr. David Cooper and Dr. Mian A. Jan
provided 80 vaccines at the COVID-19
vaccine clinic arranged at Dr Jan's office

Dr. Cooper also arranged for COVID-19 vaccines
for the elderly residences of Ashbridge Manor
when they were in desperate need for vaccines

Dr. Mian A. Jan and Senator Carolyn Committa
WINTER 2021 | CHESTER COUNT Y Medicine 31

Chester County Medicine Spring 2021

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Chester County Medicine Spring 2021

Chester County Medicine Spring 2021 - 1
Chester County Medicine Spring 2021 - 2
Chester County Medicine Spring 2021 - 3
Chester County Medicine Spring 2021 - 4
Chester County Medicine Spring 2021 - 5
Chester County Medicine Spring 2021 - 6
Chester County Medicine Spring 2021 - 7
Chester County Medicine Spring 2021 - 8
Chester County Medicine Spring 2021 - 9
Chester County Medicine Spring 2021 - 10
Chester County Medicine Spring 2021 - 11
Chester County Medicine Spring 2021 - 12
Chester County Medicine Spring 2021 - 13
Chester County Medicine Spring 2021 - 14
Chester County Medicine Spring 2021 - 15
Chester County Medicine Spring 2021 - 16
Chester County Medicine Spring 2021 - 17
Chester County Medicine Spring 2021 - 18
Chester County Medicine Spring 2021 - 19
Chester County Medicine Spring 2021 - 20
Chester County Medicine Spring 2021 - 21
Chester County Medicine Spring 2021 - 22
Chester County Medicine Spring 2021 - 23
Chester County Medicine Spring 2021 - 24
Chester County Medicine Spring 2021 - 25
Chester County Medicine Spring 2021 - 26
Chester County Medicine Spring 2021 - 27
Chester County Medicine Spring 2021 - 28
Chester County Medicine Spring 2021 - 29
Chester County Medicine Spring 2021 - 30
Chester County Medicine Spring 2021 - 31
Chester County Medicine Spring 2021 - 32