ChesterCountyMedicineSummer2020 - 11

PTLDS (in which you do not have the
disease but continue to have the symptoms
for several months). However, for those who
have advance stages in Lyme disease, they
may have already developed neurological
and cardiovascular complications, which
makes the likelihood of survival lower.

Hippocrates almost five thousand
years ago said, "There are in fact two
things, science and opinion, the former
begets knowledge the latter ignorance."
Unfortunately, because of the nature of
Lyme disease, the medical community
often ignores science and uses anecdotal
therapies. Due to the prevalence of
Lyme disease in Chester County we have
summarized the pathophysiology, signs
and symptoms, diagnosis and treatment as
is standard of care. We have also included
some known herbal methods as well as
frequently asked questions to complete the
picture. I hope it will give a good overview
of a very complex disease.

Which ticks should I worry
The non-profit Lyme Disease
organization stated the primary vector of
Lyme disease in midwestern and eastern
United States is Ixodes scapularis or deer
tick. The western blacklegged tick, or
Ixodes pacificus, is prevalent on the west
coast. The most common ticks of Lyme
disease are called nymphs and are small as
poppy seeds as well as painless. Therefore,
many individuals do not realize when they
have been bitten by nymphs, while adult
ticks can be easily seen and removed.

Hosts for Lyme disease
Adult ticks can be found on dogs,
horses, and other domesticated animals;
and they primary feed and mate on deer. In
contrast, nymphs primary hosts are smaller
animals such as mice, lizards, rabbits, birds,
and squirrels.

How long does it take a tick to
transmit Lyme disease?
Lyme disease can be transmitted as
fast as 15 minutes to as long as 36-48
hours according to the CDC. However,
some research has indicated that it can
be transmitted in less than 24 hours. The
longer the tick stays on you the more prone
you are to the disease. It is important to
check yourself after you go outside in deer
tick habitats.

Prospects of herbal medication
in the treatment of Lyme
The non-profit Lyme disease
organization stated in their summer
2020 issue new data showing treatments
for debilitating disease caused by B.
Burgdorferi by Bay Area Lyme Foundation.
Since traditional antibiotic approaches
fail to resolve symptoms in up to 25% of
patients treated for Lyme disease and many
suffer disabling effects of the disease, there
is a need for novel treatment" said the
CEO of California Center for Functional
Medicine and Scientific Advisory Board
Member, Bay Area Lyme Foundation.
There are two herbal extracts that show
strong activity against growing B.
burgdorferi Cryptolepis sanguinolenta and

Polygonum cuspidatum. These herbs have
produced side effects in patients and their
use should be monitored by doctors and
we do not recommend this as a first line of
therapy for the treatment of Lyme disease.

disease in
Tick bourne
including B.
burgdorferi have
been known to
trigger pediatric
acute onset
syndrome in
children. These patients can be treated with
penicillin and intravenous gammaglobulin
(IVIG), as well as antihistamines. In
addition to the immune response
stimulated by the microbe, patients can
have food sensitivities that further stimulate
immune hyperactivity. It is beneficial for
the patient to avoid foods to which they are
sensitive, such as, yeast, gluten, and dairy

Escaping Isolation... off to the
wild. Watch out for ticks
There are a few preventative steps a
person can take to prevent the transmission
of Lyme disease. Insect repellant such as
Permethrin (brand name Elimite, Rid, and
Nix) or Deet containing sprays ward off
ticks. Ticks can hitch rides on dogs and
other pets and move on to their owners
and into homes, so it is important to check
domesticated animals for ticks.
This article was written
in collaboration between
Mian Jan, M.D., Chairman,
Department of Medicine
Penn Medicine Chester
County Hospital, and Maria
Khan, a student interning
with West Chester

Figure 10: Ixodes tick life stages
S U M M E R / FA L L 2 0 2 0 | C H E S T E R C O U N T Y M e d i c i n e 1 1


Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of ChesterCountyMedicineSummer2020

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