www.CHESTERCMS.org has developed a robust management services organization (MSO) named Prosurant. We have announced a partnership with Prosurant and look forward to extending ACMS's expertise across our Network. Other counties are working with us to develop formal business arrangements, such as focus groups. Next Steps Considerable resources have been invested by the Society to build the Network. Now that it is built, acquisition costs are decreasing significantly, contracting expertise is established, and our credibility among Pennsylvania's insurers is growing. The physicians in both the Alliance and in the Network are pursuing careful risk-contracting arrangements as well as other innovative approaches to care for 2021 that will ultimately serve our patients' best interests. But we need your help. Tell your colleagues about the PA Clinical Network, and follow us on social media. @PAClinical PA Clinical Our Senior Director of Business Development, Keith Taylor, can be reached at ktaylor@pennsylvaniacin. com or 814-360-6622. JAAN SIDOROV, MD CEO & President PA CLINICAL NETWORK At The Pennsylvania Medical Society jsidorov@patientccc.com (570) 490-6618 S U M M E R / FA L L 2 0 2 0 | C H E S T E R C O U N T Y M e d i c i n e 1 3http://www.chestercms.org http://cpprrg.com