ChesterCountyMedicineSummer2020 - 24
Disordered Eating
During the Pandemic
from Child Guidance
Resource Centers
o doubt you have heard (or noticed) the "COVID 15"
weight gain for some of your patients, (or yourself!) or
have had conversations with friends and family about
how staying at home has led to eating too much, and too much of
the wrong kinds of things. Alternatively, you may have met with
patients who have used this time to develop a super fit Corona body.
Physical manifestation of the collective trauma we are all experiencing and recurring social conversations about these body changes are
commonplace and, although seemingly innocuous, have been part
of the reason why many more individuals are struggling with food,
body image, and self-esteem right now. A portion of the strugglers
are also at risk of developing an eating disorder (ED) triggered by
the pandemic.
Teens are especially vulnerable to cultural and peer messages, as
evidenced by the high rates of disordered eating and body image
issues within this age bracket. If you compound the already present
pressure to look and act a certain way during adolescence with
increased messaging about what we "should" and "should not" be
doing with our bodies during stay-at-home orders, teens have an increased chance to develop unhealthy thoughts and patterns around
food and exercise during this time. These messages can come from
a variety of sources, including peers, social media, and beliefs about
food and bodies in their home environments. With less
distractions and support due to ongoing social
distancing measures, along with increased
stress related to the state of the world,
dysfunctional eating patterns have
more of an ability to grow and become major coping mechanisms.
It is important to note that the
ubiquitous social focus alone
can be enough to trigger an
eating disorder. When there
are no counterbalancing
messages and alternative
emotional supports are not available, adolescents and children can
feel extremely isolated and take comfort in controlling their eating
in inappropriate ways. New eating disorders can also develop in
adults; the pandemic response has also sparked relapses in many
who have been in recovery from their disorders.
Eating disorders are the most lethal of all mental illnesses and they
are very difficult to treat. Prevention and early detection of subtle
shifts in behavior and thinking have the best outcomes. Knowing
what to look for and asking patients a few questions about their
thoughts about their bodies and eating habits can save lives.
So, how to recognize the signs that someone is struggling with disordered eating? First, as a general rule, if a patient or family member
has elevated concerns about the possibility of an eating disorder, take
them seriously. Seeds of Hope clinical coordinator Michelle Hilton,
LPC, puts it this way. "I tell people if you think it might be you, it
almost definitely IS you." Signs of disordered eating and body image
issues include: skipping meals consistently, trips to the bathroom for
longer periods of time after meals, hoarding food, excessive exercise,
and increased negative comments or thoughts about food and
bodies. For an even more extensive list of potential eating disorder
symptoms, visit:
If a patient is struggling with disordered eating and
poor body image, begin a conversation immediately. These individuals can be very defensive
and embarrassed. As such, come to any
conversations about their potential
struggles with compassion and an
open mind; it can be difficult
for the struggling individual to
recognize disordered eating.
Let the person know you are
there to support them and are
worried for their well-being
and health, and work on
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of ChesterCountyMedicineSummer2020
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