www . CHESTER CMS .or g Check out the Scrum! C ircle the date - the last Thursday evening of the month! Plan to attend the " Physicians' Wellness Scrums " and get some quality social time with other local physician friends and colleagues. The Scrum programs were first coordinated by Chester County Hospital's Kevin Sowti, MD, and held at various establishments in West Chester. In 2019 Dr. Sowti partnered with CCMS President Bruce Colley, DO, and the group began meeting at additional alternate sites such as the CVIM conference room in West Chester, Paradise Farm Camps in Downingtown and Dr. Colley's Valley Creek Orchard. On some occasions the evening sessions have included informal discussions on topics such as physicians' health and preventing " burn out. " We've also welcomed guests such as attorneys Ben Post and Zach Fowler to discuss their efforts to save three financially challenged hospitals in Chester County. 30 CHESTER COUNTY Medicine | SUMMER 2021https://chestercms.org/index.html