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Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD):
However, PTS and PTSD can be confused. In addition to
sharing similar names, there is considerable overlap in symptoms
between the two conditions. Nevertheless, there are significant
differences in symptom intensity, duration and treatment. PTSD
is considered a medically-diagnosed condition and should be
treated by a clinician.
While policemen, firefighters, other "first responders,"
and ordinary citizens affected by a variety of fearful situations
may exhibit PTS and even PTSD, we have the impression
that returning military and veterans appear to be most visibly
affected. And, they may not be willing to admit it or seek
help, sometimes because it isn't "macho." A recent G.W.
Bush Institute study (cited in the January 2017 issue of VFW
magazine) surveyed 1,000 post-9/11 veterans and adults (in the
US, UK, and Canada) in 2016, finding that 8 out of 10 of those
responding in the US think that embarrassment or shame is an
extreme or moderate barrier to veterans seeking care for medical
conditions such as PTSD or TBI (traumatic brain injury).
Causing even greater case management difficulty, PTSD may
occur rapidly following a traumatic event, or it may not show up
for months, or even years, later. A VFW spokesman said it well:
"It doesn't matter if you were there in WW II, Korea, Viet Nam,
the Gulf War, or the current conflicts. We can all relate to what
it means to be on the pointy end of the spear." Thus, the VFW
has gotten increasingly involved in educating everyone about
"the Five Signs of Emotional Suffering," namely: personality
change, agitation, withdrawal, poor self-care, and hopelessness.
The DCOE emphasizes that PTSD symptoms can have a
delayed onset, being set off or triggered up to many months or
years after the trauma, and that the symptoms can be similar
to PTS, but the difference is in their duration and intensity.
Symptoms which continue for more than one month, are
severe, and/or interfere with daily functioning, are characteristic
of PTSD. Remember, also, that a person who has suffered a
traumatic brain injury (TBI) is at increased risk for subsequent
PTSD symptoms may include:
* reliving a traumatic event (nightmares, flashbacks)
* fixating on or constantly thinking about the event
* avoiding situations or people that remind them of the
* negative thoughts or emotions, including hopelessness
or thoughts of self-injury
* hypervigilance, or constantly feeling jittery or "on edge"
* detached from family, friends, or activities previously
PTSD behaviors which indicate that professional intervention is
needed may include:
* use of alcohol, drugs, &/or smoking more to reduce
anxiety or anger
* fits of rage or paranoid thinking
* aggressive or nervous driving, especially under overpasses
or past roadside litter
* being wary of crowds, as in movie theaters or night clubs
* avoiding combat-related news reports or getting angry at
the reports.
PTSD Treatments: Certain therapies and medications are
widely accepted by health care providers as effective treatments
for PTSD. According to the Mayo Clinic's website, the diagnosis
will generally require the doctor to:
* perform a physical exam to check for medical problems
which could be causing the symptoms.
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