2019 www.CHESTERCMS.org Chester County Medical Society Annual Legislative Clam Bake The annual Chester County Medical Society Clam Bake was held on Friday evening September 27th at the Paradise Farm Camps in Downingtown. Members and guests enjoyed this opportunity for some social time with their families. As part of the ceremonies, CCMS outgoing President Mian A. Jan, MD, presented scholarships to two West Chester University undergraduate students who plan to attend medical school next year. This year's winners were Maya Sengha from Malvern and Catherine Byrnes from Downingtown. Bruce A. Colley, DO, was installed as President of the CCMS for a three-year term. A number of elected local and state officials attended the Clam Bake as well as many guests from our state medical society and the neighboring county medical societies. The Clam Bake menu was provided by Grilladelphia Gourmet LLC and master chef Eric Wayne. The group enjoyed hayrides, badminton, croquet, bean-bag toss and the beautiful Paradise Farm Camps venue. FA L L 2 0 1 9 | C H E S T E R C O U N T Y M e d i c i n e 2 5http://www.chestercms.org