CPM Spring 2020 - 7
daup h i n c m s .o rg
can weather that for a time, it will decrease
our remaining capital reserves, making
future revenue in "normal" times smaller
as well. This led me to write, in my first
column, that finding new revenue sources
would be my first priority as President of
DCMS. That work is ongoing, and I am
hopeful we will have encouraging news to
share with you later this year.
But the vital statistics of an
organization are more than the
numbers. What is most important, is
that the organization is relevant, and
that it brings value to members.
But the vital statistics of an organization
are more than the numbers. What is most
important, is that the organization is relevant, and that it brings value to members. email to the President, Chair of the Board,
We all have COVID-19 on our mind and Executive Vice President of PAMED.
as I write this. One member was on the The next day in a communication with
front lines, in full protective gear, serving the Wolf administration, who has been
our community. If that wasn't enough to using PAMED as a key resource during
be anxious about, an acute non-medical our statewide response to COVID-19,
concern came up regarding liability in this issue was addressed directly. As an
times of forced rationing. Clearly, this is an individual physician, I could never identify
issue that all physicians will be dealing with. an issue and bring it to Governor Wolf
This concern led to an email to members of that quickly, if at all. But as a member of
the Board of Governors, which lead to an a county medical society that partners with
the state medical society, this was not only
possible, but it happened. Using relevance
as our key metric, DCMS continues to be
as vitally important as it ever has.
Dr. Mackley is a Professor of Radiation
Oncology at the Milton Hershey Medical
Center and serves as the President of the
Dauphin County Medical Society and 5th
District Trustee for the Pennsylvania Medical
Society. He can be contacted by emailing
Central PA Medicine Spring 2020 7
CPM Spring 2020
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of CPM Spring 2020
CPM Spring 2020 - 1
CPM Spring 2020 - 2
CPM Spring 2020 - 3
CPM Spring 2020 - 4
CPM Spring 2020 - 5
CPM Spring 2020 - 6
CPM Spring 2020 - 7
CPM Spring 2020 - 8
CPM Spring 2020 - 9
CPM Spring 2020 - 10
CPM Spring 2020 - 11
CPM Spring 2020 - 12
CPM Spring 2020 - 13
CPM Spring 2020 - 14
CPM Spring 2020 - 15
CPM Spring 2020 - 16
CPM Spring 2020 - 17
CPM Spring 2020 - 18
CPM Spring 2020 - 19
CPM Spring 2020 - 20
CPM Spring 2020 - 21
CPM Spring 2020 - 22
CPM Spring 2020 - 23
CPM Spring 2020 - 24
CPM Spring 2020 - 25
CPM Spring 2020 - 26
CPM Spring 2020 - 27
CPM Spring 2020 - 28
CPM Spring 2020 - 29
CPM Spring 2020 - 30
CPM Spring 2020 - 31
CPM Spring 2020 - 32