Central PA Medicine Spring 2021 - 14
carriers but Dr. Fauci has recently announced
that does not appear to happen.
The one-dose J & J vaccine uses a replication
incompetent adenovirus (adeno26)
which is a cold virus incapable of producing
disease in humans. A Russian vaccine uses 2
adenoviruses (26 and 5) 3 weeks apart as a
2-dose regimen. These vaccines take longer
to produce as the virus must be cultured in
living cells and then harvested for vaccine
constitution but have the added advantage of
needing only routine temperature refrigeration.
(This information was current as of March
30, 2021 and does not reflect information
that has since become available.)
Falsehood number 1 is all the vaccines are
alike. There are messenger RNA vaccines
which do not contain any virus but instruct
the vaccinated person's cells how to fight and
prevent the disease. In the USA, these are the
Pfizer and Moderna vaccines for emergency
use authorization (EUA). The J & J (Janssen)
vaccine is a modified cold virus (adenovirus
26 for those of you who must know) which
presents spike protein to the immune system.
AstraZeneca is similar to the J & J vaccine
in its makeup, but that company has been
asked to submit complete research instead
of the favorable reports only as seen in its
initial presentation to the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA). The Pfizer vaccine
must be stored at ultracold temperatures and is
given in 2 doses with a recommended interval
of 3 weeks between doses. The Moderna
vaccine requires only regular freezer storage
but has a 4-week interval between first and
second doses. The J & J vaccine has only
one dose and is as almost as good as the two
mRNA vaccines at preventing hospitalization
and death from COVID-19. The mRNA
vaccines are effective in preventing the less
symptomatic forms of COVID-19.
Falsehood number 2 is mRNA vaccines are
too new to be safe. The mRNA technology was
developed at the University of Pennsylvania
in September 2008. Because the Corona
virus, SARS CoV-2, was quickly sequenced
by the Wuhan scientists, vaccine using the
mRNA technology was able to be created in
warp speed time. The mRNA vaccines contain
no virus whatsoever but direct the body
defenses before exposure.
14 Spring 2021 Central PA Medicine
get vaccinated
wash your hands or use an
alcohol-based hand sanitizer
Falsehood number 3 is the vaccine contains
a microchip so the government can track
you. Your cell phone is much more capable
of doing that and at your own personal
expense. I would suggest the individual(s)
who came up with this absurdity see their
nearest psychiatrist to address their paranoia.
Falsehood number 4 is the vaccine will alter
your DNA and therefore any future offspring.
This again is an example of paranoia or simply
not understanding basic molecular biology.
Falsehood number 5 is the vaccine will
make you sterile. 15% of couples struggle
with infertility in the USA, but there is no
evidence that the vaccine will cause or even
augment this. This argument is along the
same line as altered DNA.
In the 2 mRNA trials, 30,494 women
became pregnant and had no increases in
miscarriage, gestational diabetes, preeclampsia,
eclampsia, intrauterine growth restriction or
small for gestational age at birth, preterm
birth or neonatal death.
Falsehood number 6 is the vaccine gives
you COVID-19 because of the sore arm,
fever, headache, body aches, nausea and/or
malaise SOMETIMES experienced by the
recipients, particularly after the second dose.
What is happening is the immune system
recognizing the potential threat from this
dangerous virus.
Falsehood number 7 is you should not take
a vaccine unless it is 100% effective. Many
of our vaccines are over 90% effective but
are not 100%. Why should the demand of
100% effectiveness be made for this vaccine?
Nothing in this life is 100%, except death
and taxes.
Vaccines and Related Biological Products
Advisory Committee - February 26, 2021
Meeting Briefing Document-FDA
Lecture by Mitchell Sternlieb, MD - March
2, 2021
The COVID-19 vaccines prevent severe
disease and death. They also prevent more
widespread dissemination of the virus. The
more widespread the virus is, the more
likely it is to mutate and perhaps become
more transmissible and/or cause more severe
disease. There is advice for pregnant women
to be vaccinated in the second trimester as
preliminary data suggests excellent transfer
of protective antibodies to the fetus/neonate.
We vaccinate women at 28 to 36 weeks for
pertussis (whooping cough) with a marked
reduction in infant deaths from this childhood
killer. COVID-19 vaccine hopefully has the
same promise. Breastfeeding also promotes
COVID-19 antibody transfer.
Please get vaccinated against COVID-19.
Your vaccination protects not only you but
those you come in contact with and their
contacts. The herd immunity of at least 80%
will stop this deadly and debilitating virus. Be
a good citizen. Be a good American. Care for
your fellow countrymen and countrywomen
by doing your part.
Central PA Medicine Spring 2021
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Central PA Medicine Spring 2021
Central PA Medicine Spring 2021 - 1
Central PA Medicine Spring 2021 - 2
Central PA Medicine Spring 2021 - 3
Central PA Medicine Spring 2021 - 4
Central PA Medicine Spring 2021 - 5
Central PA Medicine Spring 2021 - 6
Central PA Medicine Spring 2021 - 7
Central PA Medicine Spring 2021 - 8
Central PA Medicine Spring 2021 - 9
Central PA Medicine Spring 2021 - 10
Central PA Medicine Spring 2021 - 11
Central PA Medicine Spring 2021 - 12
Central PA Medicine Spring 2021 - 13
Central PA Medicine Spring 2021 - 14
Central PA Medicine Spring 2021 - 15
Central PA Medicine Spring 2021 - 16
Central PA Medicine Spring 2021 - 17
Central PA Medicine Spring 2021 - 18
Central PA Medicine Spring 2021 - 19
Central PA Medicine Spring 2021 - 20
Central PA Medicine Spring 2021 - 21
Central PA Medicine Spring 2021 - 22
Central PA Medicine Spring 2021 - 23
Central PA Medicine Spring 2021 - 24
Central PA Medicine Spring 2021 - 25
Central PA Medicine Spring 2021 - 26
Central PA Medicine Spring 2021 - 27
Central PA Medicine Spring 2021 - 28
Central PA Medicine Spring 2021 - 29
Central PA Medicine Spring 2021 - 30
Central PA Medicine Spring 2021 - 31
Central PA Medicine Spring 2021 - 32