Central PA Medicine Summer2020 - 12
daup h i n cm s .org
So relax, I'm not talking to you
highly respected colleague asked that I submit an article for
this special edition of the Dauphin County Medical Society
Journal. He felt I might offer a perspective that may not
otherwise be expressed. My first question was, "What is
the topic that the 'Society' is trying to address?" His reply was, "White
coats for Black Lives." "Uh, ok." Having lived in Dauphin County
for twenty years I am not convinced that people really want to have
an honest discussion about racism.
Do I have feelings, thoughts and opinions on the world and where
society stands? Of course I do. Do I want to spend any of my energy or
time trying to convince racists not to be racist? Not interested, so relax,
I'm not talking to you. Do I want to teach white people that racism
exists even if it has never impacted them or they believe they are not
harboring biases that contribute to systemic racism? Not interested,
so relax, I'm not talking to you.
So now that I have clarified the intended audience, let's get a little
deeper. I'm not going to provide a lot of data on specific topics because
if you look anywhere in the media or internet you will be inundated
with all the data you can imagine. Additionally, we all acknowledge
that any scientific question can be asked in a manner to obtain the
desired outcome and people who want to deny the problem will want
to go in circles and not address the real issues head on. I'm certain
the readers of this journal are well aware how many physicians love
to demonstrate their expertise on all subjects.
George Floyd being murdered on video by four Minneapolis police
officers has forced a decision. There is no hiding anymore. You either
witnessed a racist murder and it is unacceptable or you are a racist and
it is acceptable. If you feel you can or in any way want to condone the
act, be brave enough to own your beliefs and racism outwardly. That is
your right, and no one is trying to take it from you. If you don't believe
this is the right way to live, there is no safe place for you to rest; you
I am talking to the white person who realizes racism is engrained in must now openly stand for the oppressed and their right to life and
our society. You have the chance to help our species get a little better. liberty. What does that mean? It means the same ideological conflict
The challenge is to move our county, state, nation and world forward... that led to the Civil War must be refought. Brother versus brother,
forward toward the ideal society we profess and have never come close father versus son, mother versus daughter. The thin blue line of law
to making a reality. It is a slow process and it will be a hard process.
enforcement must contend with this issue head on now.
12 Summer 2020 Central PA Medicine
Central PA Medicine Summer2020
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Central PA Medicine Summer2020
Central PA Medicine Summer2020 - 1
Central PA Medicine Summer2020 - 2
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