daup h i n c m s .o rg Remodeling? Building? Relax. We have what you need. Telemedicine Last session, legislation was introduced in both the Senate and House of Representatives to provide statutory guidelines related to the practice of telemedicine. As expected, the bills did not move but succeeded in generating discussion among key stakeholders. This session, ongoing efforts, largely taking place in the Senate, to address concerns from all stakeholders have delayed formal introduction of legislation. Two primary issues, guaranteed reimbursement for telemedicine services and a question of mandating the availability of video (PAMED and HAP are opposed to audio only), have thus far slowed down the advancement of this issue. PAMED is hopeful that these issues will be resolved in the near term and that legislation will be introduced shortly thereafter. Our legislative sponsors remain the same from last session - Sen. Elder Vogel and Rep. Marguerite Quinn. Federal Medical Liability Legislation HR 1215 has cleared both the House Judiciary and the House Energy and Commerce committees. PAMED had previously sent a letter to the House delegation from PA as well as key congressional staff urging support for HR 1215. The bill may come up for a vote soon but because it is identified as health care reform, it could be delayed. www.kohlbp.com For all your home building & remodeling needs. 860 Wesley Dr. Mechanicsburg 800.793.5645 205 Roosevelt Ave. York 877.407.5645 Roofing WindoWs dECKing KiTCHEns siding dooRs RAiLing BATHs Central PA Medicine Summer 2017 21http://www.dauphincms.org http://www.kohlbp.com