Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 27

daup h i n c m s .o rg

Practice Management

LifeGuard + KSTAR
Collaborate to Offer CMEs

LifeGuard/KSTAR Medical
Records Course
This two-day, in-person course offers
16,25 AMA PRA Category Credits hours
and will help participants improve their
ability to maintain medical records
efficiently and accurately. Attendees will
learn how to keep records in a manner
that improves quality of care, meets
compliance standards and reduces risk
to the healthcare provider.

The Pennsylvania Medical Society desThe planning committee members and
ignates this live activity for a maximum faculty do not have any relevant financial
of 16.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ relationships to disclose.
(Medical Records Course) and 21.25 AMA
PRA Category 1 Credits™ (Pharmacology
Course). Physicians should claim only the
credit commensurate with the extent of
their participation in the activity.

LifeGuard/KSTAR Pharmacology Course
This three-day educational course offers
21.25 Category 1 AMA PRA CreditsTM
hours. Physicians, nurse practitioners,
pharmacists and other medical professionals who prescribe or have contact with
medicines can improve their knowledge
of medication-prescribing practices.
The Foundation of the Pennsylvania
Medical Society, a nonprofit affiliate of
the Pennsylvania Medical Society, sustains
the future of medicine in Pennsylvania
by providing programs that support
medical education, physician health,
and excellence in practice. We have
been here for physicians for more than
60 years. To find out more visit  www.
This activity has been planned and
implemented in accordance with the
accreditation requirements and policies
of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education through the
joint providership of the Pennsylvania
Medical Society and The Foundation. The
Pennsylvania Medical Society is accredited
by the ACCME to provide continuing
medical education for physicians.
Central PA Medicine Summer 2017 27

http://www.dauphincms.org http://www.foundationpamedsoc.org

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017

Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 1
Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 2
Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 3
Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 4
Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 5
Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 6
Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 7
Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 8
Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 9
Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 10
Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 11
Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 12
Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 13
Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 14
Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 15
Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 16
Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 17
Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 18
Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 19
Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 20
Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 21
Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 22
Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 23
Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 24
Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 25
Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 26
Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 27
Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 28
Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 29
Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 30
Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 31
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