Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 7

The Pennsylvania Medical Society supports legislation that reforms prior authorization in Pennsylvania, and
needs your help to identify patients who have experienced prior authorization delays.
* Please share the information below with your patients.
* Visit www.pamedsoc.org/PriorAuth to learn about the legislation and how physicians can contribute.

Frustrated With Insurance Delays
Standing Between You and Your Health?

Was your physician-approved treatment plan/medication delayed by an insurance company's prior
authorization process? This outdated process jeopardizes medical practices' ability to provide you
with timely care.
You can help reform this process by supporting current state legislation.
Visit www.pamedsoc.org/ShareYourStory or call the Pennsylvania Medical Society at (855) 726-3348
to share your story and communicate with your local legislators.

The project is supported by the Pennsylvania Medical Society and our physician-led medical specialty partners.
777 East Park Drive * PO Box 8820 * Harrisburg, PA 17105-8820 * KnowledgeCenter@pamedsoc.org * www.pamedsoc.org
17/568 MagAd

http://www.pamedsoc.org/PriorAuth http://www.pamedsoc.org/ShareYourStory http://www.pamedsoc.org

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017

Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 1
Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 2
Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 3
Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 4
Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 5
Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 6
Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 7
Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 8
Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 9
Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 10
Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 11
Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 12
Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 13
Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 14
Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 15
Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 16
Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 17
Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 18
Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 19
Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 20
Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 21
Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 22
Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 23
Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 24
Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 25
Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 26
Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 27
Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 28
Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 29
Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 30
Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 31
Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 32
Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 33
Central PA Medicine - Summer 2017 - 34
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