ChesterNewMatterFall2017 - 4
President's Message
Christine Zaccarelli, Esquire
ummer is the season of vacations, lazy days by the pool,
barbeques and spending much needed downtime with
family and friends. My family and I were lucky enough this
year to spend our vacation in St. Thomas courtesy of a wonderful
donation by Chuck DeTulleo, Esquire and his wife Janet of their
home in St. Thomas to the CCBF Key Gala last year.
While we were on the island I didn't have cell service and we
did have WiFi in the condo. I promised myself I wouldn't
check my email all week but by Thursday I figured it couldn't
hurt to get a head start getting back to reality, so I sat on the
balcony overlooking the marina and pulled up my email. What
a mistake! I was slammed back to reality and immediately
began thinking about the landlord tenant trial I had coming
up two weeks after I got back and a particularly nasty custody
case that was now back on my radar. Instead of lounging by the
beach without a care in the world, I spent the day (successfully)
pushing those work issues from my mind. This reminded me
4 | New Matter
of why I promised myself I wasn't going to look in the first place
and I didn't again until I was back in the office. I know I am
not alone in the feeling that if I'm not checking my phone, I'm
either not as important as those who are or I am going to miss
something and honestly, I hate that feeling.
So after our St. Thomas adventure, I have three words for all of
us this summer, put it down! Not the hot dogs, the sunscreen or
the sunglasses and certainly not the beer or margarita (you know
who you are, lol) but our phones! Come on, don't stop reading, I
might be on to something. Just try for one month to put it down
and see what happens. Leave it in your pocket or bag when you
are out with friends. Leave it at home when you walk your dog.
Leave it in the car when you are at a family picnic and all the
people you treasure most are within eyesight. Leave it on the
kitchen counter on silent when you are watching TV with family
and when you go to bed.
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of ChesterNewMatterFall2017
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ChesterNewMatterFall2017 - 2
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