Delco re:View Spring 2018 - 26
A Working Woman's Icon...
Today's Rosie Can Do!
ecall, if you will, the Winter Issue of the Delco re:View, the cover of
which featured the "Rosie the Riveter" poster girl who became a feminist
icon for millions of hard-working women during WWII. Shortly after
our photo shoot at the DCBA, Mary Doyle Keefe died in Simsbury, Connecticut, at
the age of 92 ... she was the 'Rosie the Riveter' wartime poster girl who inspired
millions and the 'We Can Do It' poster has been copied across the world to
represent feminism and gender equality.
"Rosie the Riveter" is an American icon representing women working in
factories during WW II. These women learned new jobs and filled in for the men
who were away at war. They produced much of the armaments and ammunition
to supply the war effort. They also paid FICA on their wages, contributing to the
Social Security program. The "Rosies" embodied the "can do" spirit immortalized
in a poster by J. Howard Miller. Both the image and the spirit live on today.
If you asked Rosie about Social Security, she would use her rivet gun to drive
home the value of Social Security for women. More "Rosies" work today, and
nearly 60% of people receiving benefits are women. Women tend to live longer
than men, so Social Security's inflation-adjusted benefits help protect women. You
can outlive your savings and investments, but Social Security is for life.
Today's Rosie will turn her "can do" spirit to learning more about Social
Security and what role it will play in her financial plan for the future. She rolls
up her sleeves and reviews her earnings and reports any discrepancies to Social
Security because she understands these are the earnings used to calculate her
She dives into understanding benefits and examines how other issues may
affect her benefits. She decides when it is time to lay down the rivet gun, and
when the time is right, she will file for retirement benefits.
Whether it was keeping the war effort production lines humming or discovering
what is available to her from Social Security, Rosie symbolizes the motto: "We
Can Do It!" Rosie, and millions like her, rely on the financial protection provided
by Social Security in assembling their own financial futures. *
The above is, in part, from an entry posted in Retirement, Special Events
and tagged benefits for women, FICA, Rosie the Riveter, Rosies, women's
benefits, Women's History Month, working women, World War II by Jim
Borland, Acting Deputy Commissioner for Communications.
26 | Spring 2018
Delco re:View Spring 2018
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Delco re:View Spring 2018
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Delco re:View Spring 2018 - 2
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