Delco re:View Spring 2021 - 7
hesitation, however, he jumped into action in mid-March of this
past year and formed the Emergency COVID-19 Committee and
created various sub-committees thereunder to deal with assisting
our membership in navigating the new procedures.
I am grateful that President Judge Kelly is here to share some
beginning of the year information on the status of the courts
which has been a most difficult proposition for him and the
entire Delaware County court system.
I want to thank our Executive Director, Bill Baldwin, and the
supportive staff of the Bar Association that kept us running like
an efficient machine.
And to my family who is here with me this evening, and with
a special remembrance to my son, Tim, I thank you for your
support of me and my work with the Bar Association over the
My goal for this year is to try and get us back on track, to
do what we were able to do prior to COVID. Clearly, I want to
accomplish my goal within a time frame that will be safe for all
of us to return to the " good old days, " the days where we can
share, in-person, the camaraderie that really is the most special
part of our Bench and Bar.
In achieving my goal this year, my focus is on assisting
members with their physical, emotional and mental well-being,
as COVID has had a deep impact on all of us in one way or
another. I plan on presenting seminars which will not only help
us as legal practitioners, but those that will help us mentally cope
with these trying times and major adjustments we have had to
make. In doing so, I plan to include mental health and addiction
professionals for a more clinical perspective with an emphasis on
I want to reinvigorate our committees of the Bar Association,
of which we have 7 Standing and approximately 40 AD Hoc.
I affirmatively ask you, our membership, to join if you are
interested and want to participate. We are instituting a couple
of new Committees; namely, the Committee for the 1724
Courthouse in Chester, the longest open and continually running
courthouse in the nation, and, in anticipation of the 150th
Anniversary of the Delaware County Bar Association in 2022,
we have formed a special committee to properly commemorate
the sesquicentennial. This committee, in concert with the efforts
of existing sections and committees, will be responsible for
planning, organizing, hosting and presenting various cultural,
civil and Bar Association programs, events, projects and
My hopes for all are a happy and healthy 2021, a return
to some sense of normalcy, and an offer of the Delaware
County Bar Association to assist any and all members both
professionally and personally throughout this upcoming year.
Thank you for allowing me to serve as your 86th President of the
Delaware County Bar Association. *
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Spring 2021 | 7

Delco re:View Spring 2021

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Delco re:View Spring 2021

Delco re:View Spring 2021 - 1
Delco re:View Spring 2021 - 2
Delco re:View Spring 2021 - 3
Delco re:View Spring 2021 - 4
Delco re:View Spring 2021 - 5
Delco re:View Spring 2021 - 6
Delco re:View Spring 2021 - 7
Delco re:View Spring 2021 - 8
Delco re:View Spring 2021 - 9
Delco re:View Spring 2021 - 10
Delco re:View Spring 2021 - 11
Delco re:View Spring 2021 - 12
Delco re:View Spring 2021 - 13
Delco re:View Spring 2021 - 14
Delco re:View Spring 2021 - 15
Delco re:View Spring 2021 - 16
Delco re:View Spring 2021 - 17
Delco re:View Spring 2021 - 18
Delco re:View Spring 2021 - 19
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