GRCA Commerce Quarterly Spring 2020 - 15


Women2Women Anniversary
+ new reality spurs look
toward the future
By Rachael Romig, Director, Women2Women, GRCA


en years ago a group of 11 women sat around a conference "can't" do something. And that goes for our monthly programming.
room table, each from a different industry and at different
If we are unable to meet in-person, we will meet virtually. If we
stages in their professional lives. These women shared one are unable to promote women-owned businesses with a table of
common goal: to affect change in women's leadership roles and their products at our live events, we will create a platform online
meet women where they are within the Greater Reading community. and push business to them. Zoom will be our new conference table,
Welcome, Women2Women (W2W).
online portals will be our new networking space, and apps designed
This year marks the 10-year anni- specifically for creating meaningful connections and fostering
versary for W2W, a special program relationships will be at our fingertips. The possibilities are endless.
of the GRCA, and the accomplishThe next 10 years of Women2Women will proudly boast inclusivity
ments over those 10 years astound at a new level, making sure all voices are at the table and heard - all
me. When it first launched, W2W ages, backgrounds and interests. We are searching for those in the
had 1,500 members and had only community who want to be heard, those who want to create a comjust created a Facebook page. Today, munity of not only women supporting women, but men supporting
the program boasts 7,000+ members women. Top down, bottom up, side to side encouragement and
receiving monthly e-newsletters and support within, not only Berks companies, but also in our community.
4,500+ active social media followers.
We are able to run W2W programming because of our Berks
These are our members, women and
Our sponsors believe in our mission and agree that
men who all support women.
when there are diverse voices around the table, success is imminent.
One of the best parts of the W2W program is getting together We, I personally, thank you for believing in our mission as much as
monthly for our workshops. It's here that women meet each other, we do. We know we are developing leaders, whatever that means to
learn about each other, and find common threads that connect them each W2W member.
for the future while attending a development workshop. COVID-19
So to whatever 2020 sends, bring it on. GRCA has already showed
has threatened this connection, but it has not stopped it. While we
did postpone our annual Women's Conference + Expo to June 25 that even a pandemic cannot stop us. We will pivot and continue
to provide resources for our members in any way that we can. And
(from April) and our May events to July, we are still connecting.
the same goes for Women2Women. I say it, and hear it all the time
- women get it done. So, let's do this. Here's to the next 10 years!

We are and will continue to live our mission of being GRCA's catalyst
for developing women leaders and connecting women from diverse
backgrounds to learn, share ideas, and mentor each other - even
if that means we do it from remote locations for a while. Trust me
when I say, innovation and creativity thrive when you are told you

Continued on next page

GRCA Commerce Quarterly Spring 2020

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of GRCA Commerce Quarterly Spring 2020

GRCA Commerce Quarterly Spring 2020 - 1
GRCA Commerce Quarterly Spring 2020 - 2
GRCA Commerce Quarterly Spring 2020 - 3
GRCA Commerce Quarterly Spring 2020 - 4
GRCA Commerce Quarterly Spring 2020 - 5
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GRCA Commerce Quarterly Spring 2020 - 9
GRCA Commerce Quarterly Spring 2020 - 10
GRCA Commerce Quarterly Spring 2020 - 11
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