Lancaster Physician Summer 2017 - 9
Breast Reduction
-Skin discoloration, permanent pigmentation changes, swelling and bruising
- Damage to deeper structures - such as
to nerves, blood vessels, and muscles
can occur and may be temporary or
- Breast asymmetry
- Fluid accumulation
- Excessive firmness of the breast
- Potential inability to breastfeed
- Potential loss of skin/tissue of breast
where incisions meet each other
- Potential partial or total loss of nipple
and areola
- D eep vein thrombosis, cardiac and
pulmonary complications
- Pain, which may persist
- Allergies to tape, suture materials and
glues, blood products, topical preparations, or injectable agents
- Death of fatty tissue deep in the skin
(fat necrosis)
- Possibility of revisional surgery
You should know that:
-Breast reduction surgery can interfere
with certain diagnostic procedures.
- Breast and nipple piercing can cause
an infection.
- Your ability to breastfeed following
reduction may be limited.
- The breast reduction procedure can be
performed at any age but is best done
when your breasts are fully developed.
- Changes in the breasts during pregnancy
can alter the outcomes of previous breast
reduction surgery, as can significant
weight fluctuations.
following breast reduction surgery, medications to apply or take orally to aid healing
and reduce the risk of infection, specific
concerns to look for at the surgical site or
in your general health, and when to follow
up with your plastic surgeon. Be sure to
ask your plastic surgeon specific questions
about what you can expect during your
individual recovery period.
Many health insurance plans cover breast
reduction surgery. Your plastic surgeon
may need to obtain authorization from
your insurer for the surgery. This may
require a letter and the submission of photographs. Once authorization is obtained,
you will be able to schedule your surgery.
You will be responsible for any co-pays
or deductible required by your insurer.
If your health plan does not cover breast
reduction, you may decide to pay for the
surgery yourself.
Where do you go from here?
- Where will I be taken after
my surgery is complete?
hat medication will I be given
or prescribed after surgery?
ill I have dressings/bandages
after surgery? When will they
be removed?
Your better-proportioned figure will
likely enhance your self-image and boost
your self-confidence, but it's important to
understand the procedure and know what
to expect before you make the decision to
move forward. If you've been considering
breast reduction surgery, I encourage
you to talk with your physician and a
board-certified plastic surgeon to ensure
it's a viable option for you.
ill stitches need to be
removed? When?
hen can I resume normal
activity and exercise?
hen should I return for
follow-up care?
hat does a breast
reduction cost?
The practice of medicine and surgery
is not an exact science. Although good
results are expected, there is no guarantee.
In some situations, it may not be possible
to achieve optimal results with a single
breast reduction procedure, and another
surgery may be necessary.
Fusion Integrative Health & Wellness, LLC
The Whole Person Approach to Wellness
Over time, your breasts can change due
to aging, weight fluctuations, hormonal
factors, and gravity.
Lancaster's only integrative and functional medical nutrition therapy practice
Our providers are in-network with many local health plans
270 Granite Run Drive | Lancaster, PA 17601
You will be given specific instructions
for breast reduction recovery that may
include: how to care for your breasts
Dana Elia, MS, RDN, LDN
717-917-5259 |
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Lancaster Physician Summer 2017
Lancaster Physician Summer 2017 - 1
Lancaster Physician Summer 2017 - 2
Lancaster Physician Summer 2017 - 3
Lancaster Physician Summer 2017 - 4
Lancaster Physician Summer 2017 - 5
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