SIDEBAR Spring 2020 - 9


What I can tell you is that this book is full of interesting
characters, investigative techniques, trial tactics, and a couple of
juicy sub-plots to add to the fun.
References to locales and businesses around our area are
peppered throughout the book. I was happy to read about the
real-life security company Echelon Protection & Surveillance,
which was founded, built and owned by fellow Upper Dublin
grad Stuart Visnov. Stu and his brothers, including my classmate
Ben, run the company, and perform vital services for lawyer
Frankel, including frequent sweeps for listening devices and
courthouse security.
Others will recognize Clayton's gun shop, which is located
across from the old Willow Grove air base in Horsham. The
Clayton's scenes are believable and amusing, and add yet more
local color to this story.
The lead prosecutor, Tom Fanucci, is an admirable character
in this tale. He's an amalgam of so many prosecutors I have
known. He's smart, prepared, and tough, but he's also not afraid
to dismiss a case if he believes in the defendant's innocence. He
also has a touch of the needling sense of humor that real life
criminal lawyers use with great frequency in and around our
Other minor characters in the busy and fascinating lives of
Joshua and Allen contribute to the charm of this fun story. For
example, there's Abby Garcia, Josh's "researcher," who is key
in the investigation of the case and in trial preparation. She's a
beautiful former Marine. But, is she more than just a researcher
to Josh?
There's Reese, the former Penn State football player turned
Philly cop turned criminal defendant turned detective for Josh.
Reese is reminiscent of certain TV characters who are called
upon to "fix" a problem, by whatever means necessary, to protect
lives and property. Think of The Shield's Vic Mackey and and
Liev Schrieber's Ray Donovan. Joshua has an impressive team of
support staff who investigate and try cases and run his office.

The real fun of this book for me was the trial, which takes
place in the Montgomery County Courthouse in Norristown.
Yes, that same courthouse that so many of us have practiced law
in. The same courthouse which was shown across the country
during Bill Cosby's trials.
The descriptions of jury selection, direct examinations, cross,
and speeches are as realistic as they could be while still being
But details of the trial will not be repeated in this review,
because I have not figured out how I can do that without
spoiling the mysteries of the book.
What I can say without spoiling the plot is that this is
an entertaining crime drama, which should be even more
entertaining to locals than it is on the national stage because of
the frequent and realistic references to local people, places, and
Jules Mermelstein's Justice, Justice Shall You Pursue says on the
cover "The first novel in the "Pursuing Justice" Series." I sincerely
hope there are many more books in this series.
I strongly recommend that you buy and read this book. You
will enjoy it.

SPRING 2020 9

SIDEBAR Spring 2020

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of SIDEBAR Spring 2020

SIDEBAR Spring 2020 - 1
SIDEBAR Spring 2020 - 2
SIDEBAR Spring 2020 - 3
SIDEBAR Spring 2020 - 4
SIDEBAR Spring 2020 - 5
SIDEBAR Spring 2020 - 6
SIDEBAR Spring 2020 - 7
SIDEBAR Spring 2020 - 8
SIDEBAR Spring 2020 - 9
SIDEBAR Spring 2020 - 10
SIDEBAR Spring 2020 - 11
SIDEBAR Spring 2020 - 12
SIDEBAR Spring 2020 - 13
SIDEBAR Spring 2020 - 14
SIDEBAR Spring 2020 - 15
SIDEBAR Spring 2020 - 16
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SIDEBAR Spring 2020 - 18
SIDEBAR Spring 2020 - 19
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