SIDEBAR Winter 2017-18 - 27
Judge Ferman educated the participants on the type of information
a Court needs to make an informed decision that operates in the
best interests of the children. Judge Ferman also discussed the role
children play within the entirety of the Justice System - including
Juvenile Court, for a delinquency or dependency issue; Family
Court, for a Protection from Abuse order or a custody dispute; and
even Orphans Court, for a termination of parental rights hearing.
"Judges do not want to make decisions in a vacuum," she explained
to the delegates. These different Courts "are all pieces of the same
justice system, and if they work in collaboration with each other,
as well as with the individuals working to protect the children,
then all of the players will be better equipped to act within the best
interests of the children, sharing useful information, and allowing
the court to make more-informed decisions, which ultimately
means better outcomes for children." Ms. Newman concluded
the presentation discussing the effects of communities lacking a
Child Advocacy Center, including increased trauma to the child
victims and decreased long-term healing for children and their
families. To effectively contrast that point, both women presented
on the success of collaborative models, conceptualized as a hub
surrounding the child, composed of multi-disciplined professionals
focusing on the child's wellbeing. For proof of the efficacy of this
model, they pointed to the success of Mission Kids, currently
serving over 500 children and non-offending family members
every year.
After presenting, Judge Ferman and Ms. Newman were able
to speak to the delegates more intimately and were struck by how
universal the problems surrounding child protective systems,
including the Court systems, really are. Judge Ferman learned
that the challenges she faced as a prosecutor over a decade ago are
the same challenges some child protective professionals around
the globe are facing today. Ms. Newman shared in her shock and
disturbance, and in line with her commitment to protect children,
provided information to delegates from Scotland, South Africa,
and Portugal, who are in the process of developing new ways to
systematically improve their child protective systems. Ms. Newman
also connected with delegates from Israel who presented cuttingedge research on sibling sexual abuse now being implemented at
Mission Kids. With compassion for service and resolution in her
voice, Judge Ferman made clear: "That's why this presentation was
so important, because it worked to create systemic changes. Those
organizations were there to solve particular problems and those
problems exist across the globe. One of the biggest problems is
the lack of information being shared by organizations looking to
protect children, and how that information can be presented to the
Court in a meaningful way and getting the right information to
create a better informed court."
Since the prevention and treatment of child abuse is most
effectively accomplished as a team, it is reassuring to know that
these local women are doing their part to ensure that the best
interests of society's most cherished gift - our children - will take
priority. While in the Netherlands, Judge Ferman had the unique
opportunity to visit the International Criminal Tribunal for the
former Yugoslavia and observe proceedings to war crimes. Ms.
Newman was also able to tour the facilities of a Child Advocacy
Center equivalent in Amsterdam - a model that serves both adults
and children.
Seldom do we hear about child protection successes. In fact,
the only time any child protective efforts receives the headline
of an article is when something goes horribly wrong - like an
endangered child dies, or a foster child get abused or neglected.
While coverage of these stories is important, lack of coverage about
child protection successes can undermine public confidence in
the child protective systems in place that protects our children.
It also fails to give credit or appreciation to people - such as
the Honorable Risa Ferman and Ms. Abbie Newman, R.N.,
J.D. - who have dedicated their lives to the community, and
worked diligently to ensure that the best protective services are
in place to meet the best interests of children. When you see
them in the Courthouse, or at the Bar Association, please make
sure to recognize them for their courage and commitment to our
community, and to the world as a whole.
Representation, consultation and expert testimony in
disciplinary matters and matters involving ethical issues,
bar admissions and the Rules of Professional Conduct
James C. Schwartzman, Esq.
* Chairman, Judicial Conduct Board of Pennsylvania
* Former Chairman, Disciplinary Board of the Supreme
Court of Pennsylvania
* Former Chairman, Continuing Legal Education Board
of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
* Former Chairman, Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Interest on Lawyers Trust Account Board
* Former Federal Prosecutor
* Selected by his peers as one of the top 100 Super Lawyers
in PA and the top 100 Super Lawyers in Philadelphia
* Named by his peers as Best Lawyers in America 2015
Philadelphia Ethics and Professional Responsibility Law
"Lawyer of the Year," and in Plaintiffs and Defendants
Legal Malpractice Law
1818 Market Street, 29th Floor * Philadelphia, PA 19103
(215) 751-2863
WINTER 2017-18 27
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of SIDEBAR Winter 2017-18
SIDEBAR Winter 2017-18 - 1
SIDEBAR Winter 2017-18 - 2
SIDEBAR Winter 2017-18 - 3
SIDEBAR Winter 2017-18 - 4
SIDEBAR Winter 2017-18 - 5
SIDEBAR Winter 2017-18 - 6
SIDEBAR Winter 2017-18 - 7
SIDEBAR Winter 2017-18 - 8
SIDEBAR Winter 2017-18 - 9
SIDEBAR Winter 2017-18 - 10
SIDEBAR Winter 2017-18 - 11
SIDEBAR Winter 2017-18 - 12
SIDEBAR Winter 2017-18 - 13
SIDEBAR Winter 2017-18 - 14
SIDEBAR Winter 2017-18 - 15
SIDEBAR Winter 2017-18 - 16
SIDEBAR Winter 2017-18 - 17
SIDEBAR Winter 2017-18 - 18
SIDEBAR Winter 2017-18 - 19
SIDEBAR Winter 2017-18 - 20
SIDEBAR Winter 2017-18 - 21
SIDEBAR Winter 2017-18 - 22
SIDEBAR Winter 2017-18 - 23
SIDEBAR Winter 2017-18 - 24
SIDEBAR Winter 2017-18 - 25
SIDEBAR Winter 2017-18 - 26
SIDEBAR Winter 2017-18 - 27
SIDEBAR Winter 2017-18 - 28
SIDEBAR Winter 2017-18 - 29
SIDEBAR Winter 2017-18 - 30
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SIDEBAR Winter 2017-18 - 40