Advertise in NEPA Vital Signs The Journal of the Lackawanna and Luzerne County Medical Societies Reach 35,000+ Doctors, Healthcare Professionals & Community Members Living & Working in Northeast PA! Published semi-annually, NEPA Vital Signs is mailed to more than 1000 physicians, more than 1000 doctor, dentist and beauty salon waiting rooms and more than 1300 healthcare, business and community leaders throughout northeast PA. Your Community Resource for What's Happening in NEPA Health Care Your Community Resource for Wh at's Happ ening in NEPA Health Your Community Care Resource for Wh at's Happ ening in NEPA Health Care The Journal of the Lackawanna and Luzerne County Medical Societies Winter/Spring 2019 The Journa l of the cieties Medical So ne County ing 2018 a and Luzer Winter / Spr Lackawann Your Health The Journa & Travel l of the Lac kawanna and Luzerne Co unty Medic al Socie Summer / Fal ties l 2018 PAGE 6 Staying Oncology Patients: Is Travel Out of the Question? PAGE 6 Safe in the Sum How to Do Disney and Stay Sane PAGE 10 LER NT KILPA GE 24 THE SILGEU S AMON EDICAL mer PAGE 7 Reflections from Haiti: A Medical Mission PAGE 16 M LVANIAPR PENNSY A OGRAM MARIJUAN PAGE 28 PLAN HEALTHY NOW FOR A ST T TO THE SCHOOLAR YEAR PAGE 24 Publishing 25 unique titles throughout Central and Southeastern PA Contact us today for advertising opportunities! * 610.685.0914 x204