Philadelphia Medicine Fall/Winter 2019 - 12

p h i l a m e d s o c  .org

Maryam Alausa
Yentli Soto Albrecht
Cameron Blazoski
Dom Bucci, MD
James Cristol, MD
Kaitlin Demarest
Donald Detchou
Monica Difiori
Andrew DiMatteo
Madison Dixon
Allison Doermann
Kelly Dougherty, MD
Bridget Durkin, MD
Jessica Fleischer
Scott Fleischer, MD

Pennsylvania Medical Society
House of Delegates
continued from page 11

Below is a summary of other 2019 PCMS
resolutions submitted on behalf of Philadelphia
Reference Committee B (Education &
Science/ Public Health)
Adopted as amended
RESOLVED, that the Pennsylvania Medical
Society (PAMED) support Graduate Medical
Education (GME) programs' implementation of
accommodative child care policies and flexible
working environments for all residents in order
to promote equity in all training settings; and
be it further
RESOLVED, that PAMED take the need for
innovative child care policy approaches for
residency programs to the American Medical
Association Annual 2020 Meeting.
Reference Committee C (Managed Care &
Other Third-Party Reimbursement)

Anuranita Gupta

Resolution 19-303: Removing Opposition to
Single-Payer Healthcare

Nishtha Gupta

Adopted as Amended

Brian Hannah, MD
Heather Hartman, MD

RESOLVED, that the Pennsylvania Medical
Society (PAMED) revise existing policy number
(165.997) to read:

Ting Ann Hsiao

165.997 Managed Competition

Nolan Kavanagh
Asma Khan, MD
Annette Kim
Cadence Kim, MD
Wayne Bond Lau, MD
Harvey B. Lefton, MD
Carol Love, MD
Deepak Malhotra, MD
Dale Mandel, MD
Emily Mapelli
McKayla Mawn

12 Philadelphia Medicine : Fall/Winter 2019

The society adopts the following policy position:
Health system reform proposals that unfairly
concentrate the market power of payers are
detrimental to patients and physicians, if
patient freedom of choice or physician ability

to select mode of practice is limited or denied.
Single-payer systems that fall within such a
definition, should continue to be opposed by
the Society. Reform proposals should balance
fairly the market power between payers and
physicians or be opposed.
Reference Committee D ( Mcare Fund/ Tort
Reform/ Other Legislation/ Regulations)
Resolution 19-407: Cessation of Youth Tobacco Use
Not Adopted
RESOLVED: that the Pennsylvania Medical
Society promoted to the Legislature of the
State of Pennsylvania, that legislation be passed
to prevent tobacco sales to anyone born after
January 1, 2009. And be it further
RESOLVED: That the Pennsylvania Medical
Society introduce similar resolution for federal
consideration at the American Medical Association interim meeting of 2019.
Reason for not adoption - current efforts and
existing PAMED policy regarding tobacco, the
reference committee believes that no further
efforts are needed.
Resolution 19-408: Act 96 And Discretion of
Physician Practice
Resolved, that the Pennsylvania Medical Society
seek immediate legislative relief from Act 96
such that those who can legally prescribe
Schedule II through V controlled substances
continued on page 15


Philadelphia Medicine Fall/Winter 2019

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Philadelphia Medicine Fall/Winter 2019

Philadelphia Medicine Fall/Winter 2019 - 1
Philadelphia Medicine Fall/Winter 2019 - 2
Philadelphia Medicine Fall/Winter 2019 - 3
Philadelphia Medicine Fall/Winter 2019 - 4
Philadelphia Medicine Fall/Winter 2019 - 5
Philadelphia Medicine Fall/Winter 2019 - 6
Philadelphia Medicine Fall/Winter 2019 - 7
Philadelphia Medicine Fall/Winter 2019 - 8
Philadelphia Medicine Fall/Winter 2019 - 9
Philadelphia Medicine Fall/Winter 2019 - 10
Philadelphia Medicine Fall/Winter 2019 - 11
Philadelphia Medicine Fall/Winter 2019 - 12
Philadelphia Medicine Fall/Winter 2019 - 13
Philadelphia Medicine Fall/Winter 2019 - 14
Philadelphia Medicine Fall/Winter 2019 - 15
Philadelphia Medicine Fall/Winter 2019 - 16
Philadelphia Medicine Fall/Winter 2019 - 17
Philadelphia Medicine Fall/Winter 2019 - 18
Philadelphia Medicine Fall/Winter 2019 - 19
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Philadelphia Medicine Fall/Winter 2019 - 21
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