PCMS_Philadelphia_Medicine_Summer2017 - 13

p h i l a m e d s o c  .o rg

Mayor's Task Force to Combat the Opioid
Epidemic in Philadelphia Membership List
fuels that cause pollution, and in limiting
Commissioner Arthur C. Evans, PhD
sugary drink serving portions. Dr. Farley is
Department of Be- the author of Saving Gotham: A Billionaire
havioral Health and Mayor, Activist Doctors, and the Fight for 8
Intellectual DisAbil- Million Lives, and co-author of Prescription
ity Services, City of for a Healthy Nation. He is a Senior RAND
Dr. Evans has served
in his current position since 2004,
and is responsible
for 1.5 million Philadelphians and a $1.2 billion budget. He
is renowned as an effective and innovative
policymaker and received numerous awards,
including the American Medical Association's
2013 Dr. Nathan Davis award for governmental service. During his career he served
as clinical Professor at the Yale University
School of Medicine, the University of
Pennsylvania, and the Philadelphia College
of Osteopathic Medicine. Dr. Evans is on the
Board of Trustees of the College of Physicians
of Philadelphia, and is a member of the
editorial board of the Journal of Substance
Abuse Treatment.

Pamela D. McClenton
Logistics Coordinator:
Mika Dabney-Walton
Recorder/Report Drafters:
Sekaiya Willis and Natalie Kotkin
Task Force Members:
John Thomas Cooper III
Program Director Dept. of Corrections &
Self-Help Movement Inc., Director Inpatient
Halfway House
David Oh
City Councilman-at-Large
Richard Ross
Police Commissioner

Thomas Farley, MD, Adam Thiel
Fire Commissioner
Department of Public Health, City of Christopher R. Sweeney
Executive Director Wedge Recovery Centers
T h o m a s Fa r l e y,
MD, MPH, is a
pediatrician and
epidemiologist with national experience
in public health. He was employed with the
U.S. Centers for Disease Control's Epidemic
Intelligence Service, and the Louisiana Office
of Public Health from 1989 to 2000. He
served as chair of the Department of Community Health Sciences at Tulane University
School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine. Before coming to Philadelphia, Farley
was the health commissioner for New York
City, where he instituted policies prohibiting
discounting of cigarettes, raising the legal
age of tobacco sales to 21, and establishing
smoke free public parks and beaches. Dr.
Farley was instrumental in restricting heating

Jingduan Yang, MD, FAPA
Clinical Assistant Professor, Attending
Physician Department of Psychiatry and
Human Behavior/Director, Acupuncture
and Chinese Medicine Program, Jefferson
Myrna Brind Center for Integrative Medicine
Michael A. DellaVecchia, MD, PhD
Philadelphia County Medical Society

Jean Mackey Bennett, PhD, MSM
Regional Administrator (DC, DE, MD,
MSN, RN (Ex Officio)
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Administration Office of Policy, Planning
and Innovation; US Dept. of Health and
Human Services, Region III
Blanche Carney
Prison Commissioner
Gary Tennis, Surrogate:
Dr. Ken Martz, Special Assistant
Secretary, PA Department of Drug and
Alcohol Program (DDAP)
Priya E. Mammen, MD, MPH
Clinical Assistant Professor, Director of
Public Health Programs Department of
Emergency Medicine, Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University
Jose A. Benitez, MSW
Executive Director, Prevention Point Philadelphia (PPP)
Beverly J. Haberle, MHS, LPC, CAADC,
Executive Director The Council of Southeast Pennsylvania, Inc./Project Director
Devin A. Reaves, MSW
Clinical Outreach Coordinator Life of
Purpose Treatment, Owner Brotherly Love
House, Young People in Recovery, Philadelphia Chapter member
Rev. James P. Baker, Jr.
Chair, Mayor's Drug & Alcohol Executive
Commission/President Baker & Company,

Jeremiah (Jerry) Daley
Charles P. O'Brien, MD, PhD
Executive Director Philadelphia-Cam- Kenneth Appel Professor and Founding
den High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Director, University of Pennsylvania, Center
(HIDTA) Program
for the Studies of Addiction *
Richard Snyder, MD
Independence Blue Cross Sr. Vice President
& Chief Medical Officer
Summer 2017 : Philadelphia Medicine 13


Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of PCMS_Philadelphia_Medicine_Summer2017

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