PCMS_Philadelphia_Medicine_Summer2017 - 27

p h i l a m e d s o c  .o rg

Physicians Are Essential to Expanding Health Department Responses During Large-Scale Public Health Emergencies

The Philadelphia Department of Public Health (PDPH) BioPhysicians play a pivotal role in educating patients and preterrorism & Public Health Preparedness (BT) Program, located venting the transmission of infectious diseases. The PDPH Health
within the Division of Disease Control, is responsible for preparing Information Portal (HIP) is a Division of Disease Control website
Philadelphia to respond to any type of public health emergency and for Philadelphia-area health care professionals that contains health
directing medical professionals and other volunteers in response alert messages, infectious disease reporting guidance, disease surveilefforts. The BT Program has developed plans to respond to major lance data and patient education materials. Health alert messages
public health emergencies in collaboration with authorities at the are also sent through the PDPH Health Alert Network (HAN)
local, state and federal levels. The health department works closely and consist of critical, time-sensitive public health information
with governmental and non-governmental entities throughout the that is distributed approximately 25 times per year to health care
city, including the Philadelphia Office of Emergency Management professionals in targeted, relevant fields via email and fax. Find
(OEM), the Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual out more about the HIP and the HAN at https://hip.phila.gov.
Disability Services (DBHIDS), the Philadelphia Police Department,
the Philadelphia Fire Department, hospitals and health care providers.
The PDPH Health Bulletin listserv is intended for PDPH partner
The BT Program participates in 21 community planning groups and agencies and the general public. This listserv contains over 1,200
coalitions, and has developed relationships with over 500 agency agency-based contacts, and is used to forward information about
partners in the Philadelphia metropolitan region.
public health, mental health and emergency preparedness funding,
training and health fair opportunities in the area. To sign up for the
The Public Health Preparedness Program provides leadership on Health Bulletin listserv, send an email to healthbulletin@phila.gov.
a variety of fronts.
* Planning: Developing all-hazards plans that can be activated
Physician participation is crucial in helping the Philadelphia
for a variety of health emergencies.
health care system expand capacity during public health emergen* Training: Instructing PDPH staff and volunteers on non- cies. The BT Program provides frequent training and volunteer
routine tasks that they would be required to perform in emergencies, opportunities for medical professionals, social workers and the
such as:
general public. Continuing Medical Education (CME) credits are
o Dispensing emergency antibiotics
available for some trainings.
o Caring for individuals in emergency shelters
o Providing emergency vaccinations
Most trainings are offered through participation in the Philo Performing Psychological First Aid
adelphia Medical Reserve Corps (MRC), a committed group of
o Responding to radiation emergencies
medical practitioners and other volunteers who help with public
* Exercising: Testing and improving plans to ensure that they health emergency response. The Philadelphia MRC is currently
will work in an emergency.
comprised of over 2400 volunteers and is always seeking additional
* Collaborating: Working closely with a diversity of both internal members. MRC volunteer opportunities have included learning
and external partners and programs.
about novel and pandemic diseases, operating medical clinics at
* Communicating: Informing emergency managers, medical evacuation shelters, and staffing first aid clinics at marathons, the
providers and the public about public health emergency Papal visit, and the Democratic National Convention. To find
preparedness, response and recovery through email listservs, online out more about the Philadelphia MRC, send an email to mrc@
platforms and publications.
phila.gov. *
Chad Thomas is communications outreach coordinator,
PDPH Bioterrorism and Public Health Preparedness Program.

Summer 2017 : Philadelphia Medicine 27

https://philamedsoc.org/ https://hip.phila.gov

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of PCMS_Philadelphia_Medicine_Summer2017

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