PCMS_Philadelphia_Medicine_Summer2017 - 30

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A Conversation with
Dr. Cadence Kim
Cadence Kim, MD, FACS, Took Office
on July 1, as the 156th President of the
Philadelphia County Medical Society
Her decades as a successful surgeon in group
practice have convinced her that physicians
need to unite to advocate to preserve the
quality of medicine from being eroded by the
ever more burdensome rules and regulations
which act as barriers for physicians to care
for their patients.
She recently sat down with Philadelphia
Medicine, to tell us what she has seen in the
medical profession that makes her proud
to be a doctor, and what she has noticed
that raises concerns.

Why did you decide to become a doctor?
My father was a general surgeon. It was not a job a to him. Medicine
was a way of life. He worked constantly and always seemed to go
into the hospital in the middle of the night, but he never complained.
On the contrary, he loved what he did. He loved his patients.
I couldn't wait until I was old enough to accompany him on
rounds. On one occasion, I was even permitted, with of course his
patient's permission, to observe him operate. That's all it took. I was
hooked. I decided I was going to be a surgeon.

Why urology?

devotion. I was crushed that we wouldn't become partners, but
I was pleased that he recognized how lucky he was to have my
mother as his wife.
I was still hooked on surgery, so I looked into the subspecialties. I
had a wonderful rotation with a pediatric urologist that convinced
me I wanted to concentrate on urology.

What does it mean, from your perspective, to have it all?
I think it depends on what you mean to have it all. I don't feel to
be a good parent you have to do everything perfectly. In fact, that's
simply impossible. There are also many working couples who raise
families. It would be great for society to not only recognize it but
embrace and support this movement.

What would have made things easier for you when you
were a young doctor with young children?
I would have loved to have had an on-site day care. That would be
great for both men and women especially if they worked at the same
institution. You could also have a sick care area when your babies
got sick. It would be very helpful for all schools to offer a range of
after school programs as well as summer programs.

What does it take to be a good doctor today?

It's the same qualities as what it took to be a good doctor yesterday.
not only need the knowledge and the skills, but you also need
Initially, I went to medical school with the intention of becoming a
general surgeon and then subsequently joining my father in practice. to care. Your patient comes first. You should be sensitive to what
However, just before completing medical school, when it was time they're going through. You may need to be the patient's advocate.
to a choose a residency, my father had a heart-to-heart conversation Sometimes the only thing you can do for a patient - if the disease
with me. He was worried that if I choose general surgery, I wouldn't is untreatable - is be there for them. Your support, your presence
have enough time to raise a family. He wanted to make it very clear can be as important as taking out their cancerous tumor.
to me how much my mother had done and that he could not have
had a family and worked as a surgeon without her hard work and

30 Philadelphia Medicine : Summer 2017


Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of PCMS_Philadelphia_Medicine_Summer2017

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