Philadelphia Medicine Summer 2020 - 25

p h i l a m e d s o c .o rg

community and many others that climate change is the greatest
public health challenge facing the planet today. Extreme weather
and more vector-borne illnesses are occurring more frequently and
leading to increases in morbidity and mortality. As for energy sources,
according to Poune Saberi, M.D., M.P.H., Board President of PSR
Philadelphia/PA, "what we are aiming for are energy efficiency and
clean renewable sources, looking at research models and real life
examples as well."
PSR crafts its public health message so that decision makers
are hearing from professionals on this topic along with many other
environmental health concerns, including air pollution and water
pollution. PSR Philadelphia/PA members have met with legislators,
provided scientific research and recommendations, created fact
sheets, given on-site presentations to communities particularly in
Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and Erie, appeared on radio broadcasts,
written letters to the editor of many newspapers, participated in
marches, and continued to write blogs and send out important
twitter messages to followers. With the increasing deregulation of
many environmental safeguards that have been in place in the past,
the need for such efforts is only becoming greater.
PSR Philadelphia/PA has not only been concerned with assaults
from the environment and nuclear testing, but with interpersonal
violence as well. To that end, they have been involved with two major
programs. Since 1995, PSR has led Peaceful Posse groups where
youths, all male or all female groups, have met weekly with a group
leader to talk about their feelings, what is occurring at home and
at school, and their stressors. Within a safe space, the participants
learn coping and problem-solving techniques about how to meet
daily challenges and how to communicate their feelings in a healthy
manner, in order to foster individual well-being and decrease the
chances of interpersonal violence.
Close-knit peer support by the participants aids in relationship
building. The other program that has been in effect since the mid-90s
is Youth Court, which PSR has hosted in more than a dozen middle
schools and high schools in the City. Through the youth courts,
students who receive disciplinary actions at their schools are able to
have their actions discussed in mock court rooms instead of going
to the principals' offices. Students play judge, jury and legal teams.
To be part of youth court, youths who committed infractions must
admit to their wrongdoing and allow their fellow youths in their
judge and jury roles to decide how to best handle the misbehaviors.

behaviors, and it has been in operation in many states across the
country. In addition to these two programs, PSR Philadelphia/PA
has fairly recently become one of the organizing leaders of CODE
RED PA, a collaborative group of a number of organizations, meeting
for the past two years to address issues of gun violence prevention in
Philadelphia and in the state. Gun violence prevention policies and
potential actions are being discussed and developed.
The Soul of Medicine event is a very special gathering put together
by PSR Philadelphia/PA generally annually in order to have healthcare students and healthcare professionals come together. They are
asked to discuss topics such as what has motivated them to become
healthcare providers, the satisfaction as well as the stresses and strains
that have occurred as a consequence of being in those roles, and how
best to nurture the nurturers/clinicians to help prevent burnout.
During the event, medical students who have been nominated by
their medical schools for being outstanding in their delivery of care
to patients receive awards.
PSR Philadelphia/PA has also been instrumental in developing
an advocacy training program that has now been delivered to a
number of medical schools as well as hospitals and other healthcare
institutions. Through the program, students, residents, practitioners
and others learn how best to advocate for their issues of concern,
whether through visits to legislators or through writing letters to
editors and more. They learn how to think about and narrow their
issues in order to make their perspectives most effective. The program
has been very well received.
If anyone would like to become involved with PSR Philadelphia/
PA, there are many ways to do so. Volunteers are sought for public
speaking, providing testimony and writing blogs in addition to
aiding with basic clerical tasks and event tabling. Students have been
accepted for student membership on their board, aided communication and research projects, and helped to lead advocacy trainings.
One can also join a PSR Committee, such as the Speakers' Bureau
or Advisory Council, particularly if one has expertise in relevant
fields. More information may be obtained by visiting the website
PSR Philadelphia/PA just recently celebrated its 40th anniversary
and looks forward to continuing to expand and provide healthcare
and public health expertise and leadership in critical areas needed
today even more than ever. *

A restorative justice model rather than punishment is used. Additionally, they all learn about the legal system. The goal of this program
is to decrease school expulsions and drop-out rates while improving
Summer 2020 : Philadelphia Medicine 25

Philadelphia Medicine Summer 2020

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Philadelphia Medicine Summer 2020

Philadelphia Medicine Summer 2020 - 1
Philadelphia Medicine Summer 2020 - 2
Philadelphia Medicine Summer 2020 - 3
Philadelphia Medicine Summer 2020 - 4
Philadelphia Medicine Summer 2020 - 5
Philadelphia Medicine Summer 2020 - 6
Philadelphia Medicine Summer 2020 - 7
Philadelphia Medicine Summer 2020 - 8
Philadelphia Medicine Summer 2020 - 9
Philadelphia Medicine Summer 2020 - 10
Philadelphia Medicine Summer 2020 - 11
Philadelphia Medicine Summer 2020 - 12
Philadelphia Medicine Summer 2020 - 13
Philadelphia Medicine Summer 2020 - 14
Philadelphia Medicine Summer 2020 - 15
Philadelphia Medicine Summer 2020 - 16
Philadelphia Medicine Summer 2020 - 17
Philadelphia Medicine Summer 2020 - 18
Philadelphia Medicine Summer 2020 - 19
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Philadelphia Medicine Summer 2020 - 21
Philadelphia Medicine Summer 2020 - 22
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Philadelphia Medicine Summer 2020 - 25
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